Update #3 - Changing my mind for now

The title says it all, at least when it comes to my Random Thoughts blog. Hi, everybody and especially those of you finding me through the DJRT Google Plus page (more on that in a bit), and welcome to this last official "Update" before my return to blogging. After some serious thought and consideration, I have decided that I will not be changing up the blog until I'm absolutely ready to do so. The "next era" of this blog that I wanted so badly to start with the 100th edition is now on hiatus until I can get the stuff I need to make it happen. That includes the Dynamic Views and some of the other big changes I've been planning as well. I'm still gonna keep those details under wraps for now even though some of you already know what I want to do (BTW, keep it to yourselves if possible). It's gonna take me a while to get everything I need to get that next era going and I will not be making any more announcements about it until that time actually comes (want to spring it as a surprise when you least expect it...heh heh heh). Realistically I just couldn't wait that long to do another blog especially since I've set up Facebook and Google+ pages dedicated to DJ's Random Thoughts (Facebook: DJ's Random Thoughts; Google Plus: +DJ's Random Thoughts) and as always I've got a lot on my mind to talk about anyway, so I decided to keep things as-is for the time being.

Therefore, starting around Christmastime next month Random Thoughts will be back in it's regular format with all the blurbs, the Songs on Repeat, and the "Shoutouts, Love & Props" (what SLP stands for) intact, though I will note that the SLP stuff for the next edition will only cover those from this update forward so if someone or something significant was missed from between the last RT entry to this update I apologize now for it. Anyway, there will be a couple small changes in the blog. The first is that starting with the next edition the dates in the title will be replaced by the edition number of that particular edition, so instead of "Random Thoughts for so-and-so date" the next edition will be "Random Thoughts #100 (or whatever edition that is)" followed by the subtitle. The only thing about that is I'll have to start noting the actual date of events in individual blurbs when necessary, but that shouldn't be too much of a hassle. The second is something based on a recent event. Heavy D, a pioneer of rap and one of the most beloved in hip hop, passed away yesterday, something I was saddened by since his music was influential to me in my dancing days. One of his albums was called "Peaceful Journey" and that title struck me as an awesome way to honor those who have passed on to the next life. So whenever someone of note or someone I know passes away, the blurb covering that passing will start with "Peaceful Journey:" as a way of honoring him and others from here on out. Rest in peace and peaceful journey, Heavy D.

Anyway, that's it for now. I'll be back next month with Random Thoughts #100 so until then...take care and God Bless. DJ