ProgressOhio - Is Bill O'Reilly on something?

ThinkProgress reported today that, once again, Bill O’Reilly railed against Media Matters and, going so far as to call them "assassins." (Here's the link to the article)  He has historically come off like a hateful kook bordering on advocating Nazi-style viewpoints yet tries to portray himself a victim.  This is not an attempt to smear him, mind you...this is my honest opinion of the man.  There is something seriously wrong with this man, but I'm not sure exactly what it is.  He seems to represent, incite, and inspire the hateful rhetoric of those such as Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter, and especially Michelle Malkin, who has taken over on O'Reilly's TV show sometimes whom even Geraldo Rivera despises.  I honestly believe people watch and listen to the man because it's like driving by an accident scene...people like to slow down to see what's going on before moving on.  Now it looks like his ratings are going down because everyone has had enough of the accident called the O'Reilly Factor and thus moving on.  This includes people I know to be hardcore conservatives...according to them, he's an albatross.  I just hope that someday he finds peace and sanity because the dark path he's taking isn't going to get him anywhere near the light of truth.  Later and God Bless.

Note:  These views and observations are solely my own and not necessarily those of Progress Ohio or its staff.