Random Thoughts #30 - the "spring is here" edition

Greetings once again and welcome to the maze that I call my train of thought. I'm in a bit of a typing mood right now, so let's get to it:

 -  This past winter has been a tough one for me, for different reasons. Now with a new season comes new hope and also better and warmer weather.

 -  As with past years, I decided to do the brackets and make my guesses for this year's NCAA basketball tournament. So far I'm doing better than in past years. I picked 22 out of a possible 32 teams to advance to the second round. The one thing that makes it different for me this year is at this point and time (with two games still to go to determine the definitive Sweet 16), the picks I made for the Elite 8 are all still in contention. That has not happened in the past, so it seems my prognostication skills are starting to improve. Now if I can only get this to work in other areas...

 -  Speaking of basketball, this is the first year I truly believe the Cleveland Cavaliers have a realistic shot at winning the NBA title. Even with injuries, they seem to have all the cogs necessary to finally grab the title. When tournament time rolls around, fear this team.

 -  After some further consideration, it looks like the birthday celebration will have to be on the 2nd weekend of April after all (Saturday the 11th) even though that is Easter weekend. The first weekend of April looks like there is already a ton going on with friends and events such as the Final Four and Wrestlemania (which I plan on watching). It may be a blessing in disguise because it will give everybody an extra week to bring up ideas and possible plans for the celebration. Get in touch with me if you have any ideas (besides the club, of course) on what to do for that weekend, Again, I am also thinking about something for the 10th (that Friday night) as well, so definitely let me know what's up.

 -  Last night at the club was yet another different experience. Even though there was a decent crowd, at times the dance floor was cleared out for the most part and others it was packed. It was only Jay and I representing there, since it looks like everybody is waiting to come out for the b-day celebration (at least that's what I'm telling myself). I wasn't as tired and I was in a better mood so my experience there last night was an improvement over the previous weekend based on that alone.

 -  I am having some issues with my computer right now, either due to my power supply (it seems on the fritz) or some glitch in my system that I haven't found yet. So in the event I'm offline for a while, it may be due to that.

 -  I hate weatherization. At least the severity of the symptoms I've been dealing with are finally starting to let up. On top of that I finally got some good sleep last night for the first time in a couple weeks (which might be contributing to the let-up). I just hope this process passes soon cuz I've got a birthday coming up and good weather to enjoy, gosh durnit.

 -  No, that last statement was not misspelled...I meant it exactly as it was written.

 -  I have finally found family on one of the social networks I frequent (two cousins on Facebook). It's the first time in my entire internet experience that I have found any family online in some capacity. I hope more show up, but at least it's a start.

 -  Song on repeat: "Sexy Lady" by Yung Berg (he's the guy that does backup for Ray J on "Sexy Can I")...a dance song that I wish I heard a bit more often in the club.

 -  SLP to the following: Betsy and Scotty (my cousins), Kristin, Holly, Jay, Carlo and Tommy D

That's all for this week...nothing major and kept to myself for the most part with one exception. I might have more next time I write...I might not...it's fun to keep people guessing. Until next time, America (oh Lord....I'm using Maury Povich lines...somebody hit me with a reality check!). Take care and God Bless.