Random Thoughts #29 - the "inconvenient" edition

Hello once again from the world of DJ and all its vague, complicated intricacies. I have an awful lot to cover, so let's get to it, shall we?

 -  Why the "inconvenient" edition, you say? Well, this past week has been full of glitches here and there going on around me and with me. My sleep pattern was thrown off by the radical changes in weather...my weatherization at work, I suspect. Even though the scratches on my face are healing, it's just annoying to have them. My car's steering has been acting up a bit, probably from too much steering fluid I put in. My computer itself has been on the fritz just trying to start it up, which I suspect is a power supply issue. There's been other stuff as well, but for the most part I've been trying to work around all these inconveniences, so if it seems like I'm being crabby, this is probably why.

 -  I went to the O.C. last night and was happy to see a lot of my friends there, maybe even some potential new regulars. It was crowded and there was a diverse crowd...all types there. However, I was having trouble enjoying it because I was tired before getting there due to the problems with my thrown-off sleep schedule. I'm not saying I didn't enjoy myself, but because I felt tired and a bit cranky it wasn't as good for me as it has been the past few months.

 -  Something that I've recently been keeping an eye on are two incidents reported in the media: the Chris Brown-Rihanna domestic violence situation and the Christian Bale profanity-laced tirade on the "Terminator: Salvation" movie set. I don't need to go into the history of both since they have been in the media for some time now. However, I do want to talk about in a general sense what both situations are at their root: abuse. The abuse found in the Chris Brown situation is probably the most visible and easiest to define. He physically attacked another person and, per reports in the media, previously abused her physically and verbally. The type in the Christian Bale situation was verbal and profanity-laden but no less damaging and actually less obvious than some may initially observe. At first glance, it could have been argued that it was an overreaction and that he was so deep into character that he couldn't help himself. I actually heard the tirade on one of the media sites and IMHO it was far deeper than that.

Even though these particular situations may only appear on the surface to basically be abuse, there are factors underlying both that I think we all have observed or experienced at times in our lives, some of us more than we should have to experience. One factor is the total disregard of the victims as people. I'm not talking about the type of disregard that is accidental in nature like forgetting to include someone in an activity or misremembering a name or just being left out by mistake. I'm talking about an intentional disregard for the victimized person as a human being whatsoever, to the point where they are seen as nothing but an object, a non-entity, or something that is "simply in the way" and taking up space that the abuser/victimizer deems too valuable for anybody else other than themselves. Another factor is that such abuse is learned behavior, not genetic. I have regularly heard that it can be passed down through families and social groups, but to me that seems to be too simplistic an answer. I have observed it more often being passed from abuser/offender to victim, in that the victim becomes an offender themselves at some point and thus creating a cycle of abuse that is hard to break. It doesn't always happen, but it is likely in these situations. A third factor is the impact it has not just on the victims but the offender as well and anybody connected in some fashion to either victim or offender. Such impact includes scenarios such as betrayals of trust, the keeping of secrets, breakdowns and fracturing of relationships, and even outright physical violence. Some of this particular impact is represented in the two aforementioned situations, but any one of these scenarios will be evident in any abuse situation.

I have noticed in myself and others how difficult it is to be involved in any capacity, whether it be as a victim, a witness, or unfortunately as an offender, in an abuse scenario. It's easy just to say don't get involved, just stay out of it and be safe for ourselves, or justify that it's not our business to be involved (that's the one I hear the most). Unfortunately, life isn't that easy. If it's someone that any of us care about, it's already our business whether we like it or not. Something that comes to mind when I think of this involves an experience from my first year of college. A female friend of mine named Jennifer had a boyfriend who was abusive to her. I actually witnessed the boyfriend slug her in the club and she ended up with a nasty bruise on her cheek. A few of her friends and I tried to reason with her to get away from this guy but she stayed with him. Fortunately she eventually dumped him but it bugged me that I couldn't do more for her than that. Now, I have a general idea how to deal with different abuse situations, but each one is different in some respect and I don't have all the answers...no one person does. However, it is not enough to simply stand back and let abuse continue, especially if there is something we can do about it. I think it's important to go out there and learn about how to help those who are dealing with these situations, whether it means reading up or getting on the internet or talking with friends as to how to best help out those we care about. I don't know....maybe letting people hash it out on their own is the best thing to do in some situations...that doesn't count when physical abuse is involved. Like I said, I don't have all the answers. I do want to remind people that there is always risk involved, so it is important to know what to do before getting involved if you choose to be more active. Here's something I want to leave this blurb with for you all to think about: if abuse is offensive to you and you let it happen to your friends or loved ones yet do nothing to help, what does that say about you and your value to others, especially those friends and loved ones?

 -  I know that last blurb was long, incredibly dense and probably could have put it in its own blog, but I did that on purpose for two reasons. One, to see if I could do it, and two, to see if paragraphs will work within individual blurbs. I know there are people who probably need to read that last blurb (again, in some cases), so refer them back here so they can read it for themselves. It may be inconvenient for some (hey, it actually goes with the theme of this blog today!), but I do believe it to be too important not to address.

 -  One more downer-like thing before I move on...I do want to note the passing of the wrestler formerly known as "Test" over the weekend. Andrew Martin, who worked in both WWE and TNA, passed away at the age of 33. Rest in peace.

 -  On a more positive note, the past week in Ohio basketball has been very interesting. The Cleveland Cavaliers have already wrapped up the Central Division title in the NBA. Also, five college teams from Ohio made the NCAA Tournament this year: Ohio State, Akron, Cleveland State, Dayton, and Xavier. I think that is the most teams from one state in the tournament this year, but I'm not certain of that.

 -  Like I mentioned sometime last week, I finally got my Myspace IM back. I can IM again, but I'm using a messenger program native to Linux, so now I can use Facebook Chat on it as well, for those of you visiting from Facebook. I may log on to Facebook repeatedly just to get names into my messenger client so if you see me on there with some frequency, that's me trying to set up the client. Or maybe not and I'll just keep you guessing what I'm doing there. In any case, I have Facebook Chat and Myspace IM again.

-  As you may have noticed, I have changed the background back to one I used before as well as the look of my blog and profile. I hope it is easier to read as some of you have told me you had trouble with that Matrix one.

 -  Birthday celebration update: it looks like the celebration may have to be moved back to that second weekend despite the Easter holiday, at least as far as the club goes. However, I am looking to do something outside of the club to celebrate as well, possibly on Friday the 10th, with anybody who's up for it. All I need are ideas on what we could do that Friday. If anybody has any ideas, shoot 'em my way...and don't be afraid to make them public through the comments, but keep 'em PG-13 at the most. I don't want kids getting weird ideas.

 -  Roasts are fun, aren't they?

 -  Song on repeat: "Don't Talk" by Jon B...just a cool slow song that can be danced to. A fave of mine for years.

 -  SLP for this long blog: all the guys in my crew (you know who you are), Patrick (Happy B-Day, bud), Pastor Cory, Kristin, Cara, Cheryl, Holly, Daryl, Dark Joey, and one of my oldest friends Todd Clark.

It took me a long time to type this up, so I think I'll go get something to eat. I'm happy it's finally warming up, but I'll be even happier when my weatherization is completed for the season. I hope you all learned something from this blog today. Join me next time as I talk about even more random things. Until then, take care and God Bless.