Random Thoughts #28 - the "almost spring" edition

Hello and welcome once again to another round of random thoughts from yours truly. I've got a lot to get to, so here we go:

 -  First, the me stuff: I'm still working on my issues but I am making progress finding the root of them...what I'm doing about them is yet to be determined. Also, my face got scratched up this past week a little bit, mostly due to shaving and accidently opening up zits in the process. Isn't that a nice thought? No, I didn't think so either. I may be going through my "summerization" (as opposed to winterization) getting ready for the upcoming change in seasonal weather patterns...a little early, but that probably means better weather is coming sooner this year, a prospect that I'm guessing many of us are looking forward to.

 -  Despite the issues with my face, amazingly enough I had a decent time at the club on Saturday night. I thought people would avoid me like the plague but it didn't happen...go figure. Anyway, the club got packed before I got there and was jumpin' the entire night except for a couple of songs. The warm weather played a big factor in why it was packed.

 -  Speaking of warm weather, spring is officially coming up soon and as I implied earlier I am looking forward to warmer days like the one we had here in Columbus last weekend.

 -  For those of you who used or preferred the Project Playlist music player for your profiles...apparently they are working on Myspace once again (and I hope it stays that way). However, due to the upgrade to 2.0 here on Myspace, you have to go back to the Project Playlist site and get the new updated code to put it on your profile once again. I'm listening to mine right now, and since Myspace is monkeying around with its own music player I'm glad my preferred one is working again. If anybody is having trouble with this, give me a buzz.

 -  As a result of the change in my profile music player, I had to change the layout of my profile. I had to remove the animated gif I was using for my background and put a static one in because it was interfering with both my music players. I also did a few tweaks to eliminate as much of the unused free space on my profile as possible. It should be easier to read....at least I hope so.

 -  Before I continue, I want to pass on my condolences to my friends Cheryl and Joe Dawg Brother for the recent passing of loved ones in their lives. I just want them to know that my thoughts are with them as they cope during this difficult period.

 -  Although I am on sabbatical from my church, I have been lax in promoting it. If anybody needs a spiritual home for following their faith, check out Crossroads World Christian Center at "www.crossroadswcc.org". Like I said before, it is ministered by my friend and pastor Cory Pariseau. Give him a buzz and see what Crossroads can do for you, your faith, and your spirit.

 -  I want to say something about personal boundaries for a minute. I'm not gonna go in-depth here about it or why I'm even bringing it up, but simply stated I want to remind people (and myself) to respect the boundaries of others and not violate them if at all possible. I don't think any of us want to have our space intruded upon unnecessarily, so why should we do it to others? Something to think about.

 -  Regarding celebrating my birthday....I found a bit of a monkeywrench regarding that weekend. It recently came to my attention that Easter this year is on the 12th and some have already made plans for that holiday and even the day before, which obviously interferes with the basic plan I had about the club on Saturday night. I was thinking maybe doing something on Friday night instead (the 10th), and I haven't gone out on a Friday night in ages, probably not since the Harry Buffalo days. At least I've got a month to figure out how I want to celebrate and when.

 -  Song I have on repeat: "If You Were Mine" by Marcos Hernandez. The singer of the song has decided to drop out of the music biz for now and serve our country in the Marines. I hope he comes back because he is talented, but good luck to him regardless.

 -  SLP to the following: Cheryl and Joe Dawg Brother (for their respective losses), Griff and Dave from my crew, Pastor Cory, Chad ("alibi breakfast" on my friends list...happy b-day!), DJ Shane and Mike (the two newest additions to my friends list), Kristin, and Holly.

I could say more, but why? Just kidding, I'm done pontificating for now. I can't wait until the warm weather is here regularly, so until the next blog....take care and God Bless.