Random Thoughts #27 - the "it's March already?" edition

Greetings once again from your friendly neighborhood DJ. Spring is coming soon, so I better get going on finishing out these winter editions of random thoughts (like it really matters what time of year it is, but anyway...). Here you go with another onslaught of randomness from yours truly:

 -  Like this blog entry's title suggests, can you believe that March is here already? This year is going by fast. I just hope not TOO fast.

 -  I want to wish happy birthdays to my friends Daryl, Spirit, Jack, and Kristin. I'm sorry I wasn't able to make birthday celebrations this year (for various reasons), but I hope you had or have fun celebrating them.

 -  Speaking of birthday celebrations, one I do not plan on missing whatsoever is my own. My birthday is next month (April) on the 9th, but I plan on celebrating it on the following Saturday night, the 11th. And even though I'm turning 37 (yes, I'm getting on in years), I'm looking forward to my b-day this year. Last year a friend of mine took me out for dinner (a steak dinner which was very good) and then celebrated and danced at the OC the rest of the evening. Right now I have a very rudimentary idea what I'd like to do, but I'm open to ideas so if anybody here has some, let's talk.

 -  Onslaught....rudimentary....wow, I know big fancy words. Sometimes I even impress myself....sometimes.

 -  Because of the dramatic weather changes over the past few days, I haven't been feeling the utmost in health. However, at the last minute yesterday evening, I decided to go out. It was yet another different crowd at the OC. I went there not in the greatest of moods and feeling somewhat ill but once there I started feeling better (mood and health-wise) and had some fun. I am glad I was close to home just in case, so that may have factored into it a bit.

 -  I have to admit, I did not see the Kellen Winslow trade to Tampa Bay coming whatsoever. I can see compelling reasons for the trade but it did come as a shock. I guess Mangini is determined to put a stamp on the Browns and I can only guess what he's going to do next. I just hope this all works out for Cleveland, but on the surface this looke like a good thing to me.

 -  I finally found a version of the movie "Breakin'" last week, and even though there is cheesiness and a formulaic storyline, I still love that movie. Can you believe it's the 25th anniversary of this movie's release? I can't believe it's been around that long. I guess it's timeless.

 -  Can you also believe that it's not butter? Just sayin'

 -  Song on repeat and possible sign of the Apocalypse: "Little Moments" by Brad Paisley. An acquaintance of mine gave me this song a few years back and I only started listening to it recently. It's actually a pretty romantic song, and even though this may signal the end of the world as we know it with me listening to a country song regularly, I like it regardless.

 -  SLP this week for the following: Pastor Cory, the birthday people from the earlier blurb, Dave, Jay, Art, Curtiss, Holly, Xavier, Trish, Dani (BTW, I hope you're doing alright...sounded like you had a rough week..get in touch with me when you get the chance), and one particular female friend of mine who I want to reassure that things will turn out alright and good things will happen for you (it's Vaughn's friend at the club...I can't remember her name for the life of me and it's on the tip of my tongue but if anybody remembers it, please tell me through the mail here...it's embarrassing enough that I have trouble remembering names sometimes...god, I hate that).

Now, before I lose any more brain cells for using big words, shoot myself in the foot for my embarassments, or ensure the Apocalypse by next picking banjo or polka music to listen to repeatedly, I think I'd better end the random thoughts here for now. Spring will be here soon enough, but for those of you on the east coast in the next few days, please take precautions because it looks like you've got a big snowstorm coming akin to the one we had here last year that dumped a ton of snow here. I'm just happy we're not getting that storm right now. Take care and God Bless.