Random Thoughts #46 - the "poetic" edition

Hello once again and welcome back to what people call either the most or least scandalous blog they've read...I don't think it's that scandalous at all, but I digress. Once again I have another set of random thoughts to share, so enjoy.

 -  As many of you know, the past few weeks have been emotionally hectic and draining for me, but I'm still hanging in there and recharging my batteries every chance I get. Now to help with recharging, I've been pretty...creative, so to speak, and one of the creative things I've done is write a poem, hence the "poetic" edition. I was indirectly inspired by a Myspace status entry by one of my friends who said something about Michael Jackson and how he proved that if you come from the heart and express yourself in a heartfelt manner, then negative and envious people can only sit back and choke on their own negativity. This inspired me to write a poem based on quotes, feelings, observations, and things said to me (some I couldn't believe I actually saw or heard), mishmashed into the creative piece that will soon be before you. I'll be honest...I was in somewhat of a dark place emotionally when I wrote this, but I felt much better after creating this. It's not all dark and it covers a range of things not only heard in the past few weeks, but in the past year and before that. With that in mind, here is my poem:


I'm expected to think and be like other people, but I am not a lemming.
I'm supposed to follow the family, but I am not a lemming.
I'm expected to be a part of the crowd, but I am not a lemming.
People want me to change for them to like me, but I am not a lemming.
People want me to change to continue liking me, but I am not a lemming.
I'm supposed to suck up to people for them to even consider noticing me, but I am not a lemming.
My individuality is not supposed to upset the status quo, but I am not a lemming.
People want me to acquiesce to their desires at their whim, but I am not a lemming.
I'm expected to be convenient for others' sake, but I am not a lemming.
I'm told people won't like me if I say something that offends them, but I am not a lemming.
I'm supposed to be part of the crew, but I am not a lemming.
I'm not allowed to express my viewpoint if it's not one shared by everybody else, but I am not a lemming.
It's not easy to be true to myself despite others' expectations especially when it bothers others, but I am not a lemming.
My invitations will be revoked if I don't “tow the company line,” but I am not a lemming.
I like to be invited to things, but I am not a lemming.
I'll get “cut off” if I don't change my way of thinking, but I am not a lemming.
I'm supposed to say things that people are supposed to like, but I am not a lemming.
People want to use my own words against me, but I am not a lemming.
People do not want to understand where I'm coming from, but I am not a lemming.
People say I'm whining if I say something they don't agree with, but I am not a lemming.
People want to read too much into what I say and believe the worst, but I am not a lemming.
People don't like when I stand up for myself or stand by what I say, but I am not a lemming.
I will suffer because I don't say the “right” things, but I am not a lemming.
I'm expected to “be a man about stuff” when I'm not given the same courtesy, but I am not a lemming.
I go about things in ways I am comfortable with, but I am not a lemming.
I may be sensitive and touchy sometimes, but I am not a lemming.
I'm supposed to lose myself in order to not lose my friends, but I am not a lemming.
People will read into what I write despite what I actually write, but I am not a lemming.
Only certain differences in opinion are “acceptable,” but I am not a lemming.
People say it's “too bad” if I'm inconvenienced or things aren't going my way, but I am not a lemming.
I'm expected to take crap from others and appreciate it because it's “honest,” but I am not a lemming.
It's not easy being part of a group, but I am not a lemming.
It's not easy being me, but I am not a lemming.

…....I may not be the easiest person to get along with, to understand, or to put up with. I am human, after all...but I am not a lemming.

 -  Speaking of Michael Jackson, I got to watch the memorial service last Tuesday. It was emotional, it was respectful, and it showed how much he meant not just to his family, but to all of us who grew up influenced by him. Rest in peace.

 -  Google is poising to join Microsoft, Linux, and Apple by creating their own operating system based on it's Chrome browser for laptops and "netbooks." Google believes they may have a shot, but I honestly think they are overreaching here, especially since the entire OS spectrum is covered pretty tightly with Linux already having the free OS, Apple with the alternative OS and Microsoft with the standard OS. I just don't see how Google can compete with that right now, but time will tell.

 -  A couple of wrestling notes: Seth Green (Robot Chicken, Family Guy, Buffy, etc.) will be "guest hosting" WWE Raw on Monday night. That should be interesting. However, what had me laughing last week was R-Truth (Ron Killings for those of you who knew him from TNA) on WWE Smackdown last week debuting a character named Pretty Ricky (whose "government name" is "Delicious"). Bottom line, it was pretty entertaining and hilarious and I wonder where he and WWE will go with this.

 -  I finally got to see Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen on Friday and it was an awesome movie. I don't know why critics panned it so much, but I do know why it got such a high box office....it was a damn good movie. A friend of mine got to see it on IMAX and he said it was better, so I may have to check that version out when I get the chance.

 -  My church home: Crossroads World Christian Center at http://www.crossroadswcc.org/.

 -  As many of you know, I am a Democratic moderate politically-speaking, so I do tend to take a more critical eye toward the right-wing and a harsh one toward the quacks. With that in mind, I want to talk about Sarah Palin for a moment. As many of you know, she is abdicating her position as governor of Alaska at the end of this month. People don't know why she's doing it because despite her attempts at explaining, she still seems pretty vague about why. Regardless of that, there has been something that's been bothering me about her that I couldn't get a handle on (other than I think she's a quack, IMHO), like she reminded me of somebody I've seen but couldn't put a finger on. That has bugged me until a couple of days ago where I figured it out. She reminds me of Jeremy Piven's anchorman character from the movie "Scary Movie 3" when he's reading off the teleprompter....AFTER everybody starts messing with what's being put on the screen. Now I don't know what you all personally think of the woman (or Barack Obama whose closely associated with using a teleprompter), but for me every time Sarah Palin speaks I flash to that moment in SM3. It's funny in a way but it scares me at the same time.

 -  Song on repeat: "Runaway Train" by Soul Asylum. A grunge-type song, it could describe what I've been going through the past few months. However, it's the one on repeat this week because I finally added a good working non-skipped-around version of the song to my music collection. Took me a while to find that puppy.

 -  SLP to the following: Pastor Cory, Mindy, Joe, Gandhi, Anna, Walt, Patrick, Griff (for the Myspace quote), Holly, Dave, and Cheryl.

That's all for this edition. Join me next time when I have more to say. The fanboy in me would end this by saying "transform and roll out," but I'll just end this by saying....take care and God Bless.