Random Thoughts #45 - the "new chapter" edition

Hello and welcome to my latest set of Random Thoughts. I wasn't sure I'd have much to write about this week, but alas my wacky brain has come up with stuff to put here. With that in mind, enjoy.

 -  I've named this edition the "new chapter" one because something has tangibly changed for me. As opposed to the past few blogs where I was writing about concepts, my observations, or me responding to something, this is more of a "feeling" thing. I've stated in the past couple blogs or so that I've been making some small changes regarding me, myself, and I and those are continuing. In addition, I've observed that the types of activities I've been doing over the past few months have been in flux with no sense of that settling anytime soon. Some of the primary players in my life have changed, with new people and some old friends and family added to the mix now. Several things I used to let slide I haven't let slide so much anymore. Given all that, I have this real strong feeling that I've turned the page in the book that is my life. Now, understand that this is a feeling and that feelings are naturally temporary and can change at any time, but my gut instinct tells me that I've started a new chapter here. It's happened before but usually I'm knee-deep in the middle before I realize something like this has happened (with a couple of exceptions), so I'm surprised to be catching this so early on. I don't know when this started, only that it occurred and, from what I can tell, it happened in the past couple months or so. I'll be honest...until recently I imagined this might happen but only on a subconsious level and I wasn't actively prepared for it. I guess unconsciously I was hoping that this was just a feeling that might pass. However, I trust my gut instincts too much to believe otherwise, so I guess something new has started here. In addition to whatever the Lord has in store for me, I'm really not sure where this new chapter is going to lead me. I guess if I'm gonna have any say in what will happen...what I'm going to write in this new chapter, so to speak, I guess a place to start would be to find something to write my part with first.

 -  There has been a lot of deaths of famous people over the past couple weeks. Today I learned that Steve McNair, former QB of the Tennessee Titans and Baltimore Ravens, was shot dead last night. That makes about six or seven passings now in a short amount of time (including what I believe to be the biggest one out of all of them, Michael Jackson's). It's a hard time for many in the public spotlight right now and a harder time for us fans of those who have passed recently. I can only pray that they are in a better place now.

 -  I didn't have the most spectacular of July 4th holidays, but I had a decent time nonetheless. I did go down to Red, White, and Boom on Friday night, but at around 7:00 PM downtown Columbus was so packed I could not find a decent spot to watch the fireworks from (and I looked around the whole area), so I went home and watched it on TV. On Saturday I went to a cookout during the day and later on watched the Westerville fireworks from an awesome spot which I found only an hour before the show (go figure). This one rated somewhere in the middle in terms of overall Independence Day celebrations.

 -  Pastor Cory's church and my spiritual home: Crossroads World Christian Center.

 -  The default pic I currently have up on my Myspace profile is the family crest for my father's side of the family. I found it a few years back and got a copy of it for my computer and other places. I think it looks cool myself, so I put it up and will probably have it up for a while.

 -  Song on repeat: "Can You Feel It" by the Jacksons. In rememberance of Michael Jackson (rest in peace), I've been listening to a lot of the old hits he had or contributed to. This particular song was one I could never remember the name of. I heard it recently for the first time in years on a Michael Jackson tribute special, so once I got the name I went looking for it. It took me a while, but I finally got the version of this song I've been looking for, so I'm pretty happy about that.

 -  SLP for the following: Ernest, Art (happy birthday), one of my oldest friends Bob (also, happy birthday), Griff, my cousin Betsy, Patrick, Joe, Mindy, and Walt.

It's sort of a light week for my Random Thoughts, but that's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes. I may have more next week, I may have less...I don't know. Now to look for something to write with...until next time, folks. Take care and God Bless.