Random Thoughts #24 - the "really tired" edition

Hello, everybody...welcome to another brand-spanking new edition of randomized thoughts for your consumption. Enjoy.

 -  The weather is finally changing and it is warming up, and amazingly enough so is my attitude. Even though I've got that unresolved, unrevealed stuff to deal with still, it looks like the winter blahs are finally letting up. It's even gonna hit the 60s this week, which means the ice is finally melting and my hopefully my mood elevates even more.

 -  If anybody tried to reach me last night (at least one person did, so this blurb is mostly for them), I was out cold last night sleeping and didn't wake up until 5 this morning. As some of you already know, I've had trouble with insomnia and sleeping lately and before last night I had two hours of sleep over two days time. At least I got those two hours in before going to the OC Saturday night. I'm pretty sure it has to do with the weather and my stress, but since both are letting up I am hoping I can get back to a regular sleep schedule again.

 -  Speaking of the OC, last Saturday night was kick-ass. I had a ball and have had one generally over the past few weeks there, even with the differing crowds each weekend. My friends now starting to show up again may have a lot to do with that. On a related front, I did get word of another club that may open sometime in the near future with possible involvement from several people I know and trust, but nothing is confirmed as of yet. When and if that happens I'll let you all know because if everything does come to fruition the way I expect it to, it may be the start of new, exciting, and great things for many of us here. Most of you know my expectations about dance clubs, club clientele, and club environments. Some of you have actually followed me to certain places and had their lives changed considerably for the better because of those tastes. If this club does get off the ground, this is potentially going to be another one of those type of situations. In the meantime, stay tuned and keep your fingers crossed.

 -  You turn your back for a minute: I missed the Grammys last night because of the deep sleep I was in. I wake up this morning and I find out on the net that Chris Brown didn't appear at the award show because he was arrested on domestic violence charges. Are you kidding me? This came out of left field and I hope it really isn't true because I'd be disappointed. It does remind us that even those people we look up to for inspiration and hope and even release from boredom are human too and we should not put them on pedestals that makes them appear more than that.

 -  Valentine's Day is this weekend and the only plan I have for now is the club. Something different would be nice, especially if it involves female companionship, but that's the only thing I've got in the cards so far. I am open to doing stuff.

 -  A week from today I will celebrate two years since I was saved and became a follower of Jesus. It's been a winding journey, one that has actually intensified a bit in the past couple of months, but it's all been worth it. Given that, I am saddened by something that I read about in the Akron Beacon Journal (online version) yesterday about one particular Catholic woman who is desperately trying to get her son away from a Xenos congregation in Akron (they have a 5,000 strong church here in Columbus), claiming Xenos is a cult. From what I know, Xenos is just another church that follows and tries to spread the love of Jesus Christ, just like many other churches do. It may do some things differently, but you'll find that in each congregation and denomination. From what I know, cults don't normally follow Jesus, so based on that I don't think Xenos is a cult. The son, who found his way to Jesus through this group and seems to be doing okay in his overall life right now, thought his family would be proud of that. Apparently his mother appears to be one of those who believe that her way, being Catholic, is the only way to be religiously and she is acting up against the local Xenos church because of it. It is sad that she cannot accept that her son is a follower of Jesus even though he's not Catholic. I can only pray in this instance, for the son to be able to get through all this and for the mother to gain wisdom in seeing that her son is not in a cult and follows Jesus.

 -  Over the weekend I went to the Circuit City liquidation and found Smackdown vs. Raw 2009 for under $30. It is a newer game that goes for $40 regularly and it was that last fairly-recent game for PS2 there, so I got lucky. On the flip side, the store staff there treated me and others had questions about stuff very poorly. One could say it is because the store is closing, but other times I went to any Circuit City they did this too, and other people I know had horror stories from dealing with them. With that and their overcharging of prices for most of their items, it's no wonder the chain is going under. At least I got something good out of it.

 -  The economy is taking a beating and the word "depression" has come up. I'm having enough of a hard time dealing with economic and financial stuff as it is, but if it becomes a depression it's gonna make things that much more harder to deal with. This is all on the George W. Bush and his administration, so for those of you who voted for this guy in the 2004 election, this economy and hard times are what you got for that vote. At least we have a president in Obama that wants to make things right going forward. Hope is something this country needs right now, and Obama has it in spades...I just hope Congress gets that message when dealing with stimulating the economy.

That's all I got for now. I changed the background of this blog to a static version of the Matrix background found on my profile, so hopefully it won't be distracting to people who read this blog. If anything else comes up today, I'll add it later as an edit with the time. Until next time, America....take care and God Bless.