Random Thoughts #23 - the "Linux" edition

Hello and welcome to a VERY early morning set of random thoughts. Since I can't get any sleep right now, here we go:

 -  I could have easily called this the "everything sucks" edition. Bills suck. Financial strain sucks. Personal problems suck. Computer problems suck. Boredom sucks. Lonliness sucks. Haunting memories suck. Ex-girlfriends suck. There's a lot that sucks out there...so why didn't I give this particular blog the aforementioned title? Quite honestly, its because not everything sucks. My friends don't suck. The Internet doesn't suck. Dancing doesn't suck. And just as important, I don't suck. So for those of you who do think that everything sucks, you're wrong. Just change your viewpoint and see. BTW, those things that I said sucked? Well, that's random thinking at play...I'm not necessarily dealing with all of that stuff right now (some of it I am), but at some time or another I have...I'm pretty sure you all can come up with your own "what sucks" lists, but don't forget to remember what doesn't.

 -  I have finally broken the stranglehold that Windows had on my computer and installed the Ubuntu Linux system. Actually, I just got bored and wanted to do something new with my computer. I used it once before a while back (at an Obama campaign office) and wondered what it would be like to use it regularly. Now that has become a reality. To be honest, it's taking me a while to get used to but so far I'm liking it. Trying to find an appearance that appeals to my taste is gonna take some time to accomplish given my limited experience with this new OS. The file system and various programs are different than what I'm used to with Windows. I'm happy that some of the programs I used on Windows are on Linux as well (Firefox and OpenOffice come to mind). There is a limited amount of programs out there for the OS (especially with the stranglehold Windows has on developers right now) but that was not unexpected. I'm still trying to find comparable programs to some of what I used before, which means that the journey I'm taking with this OS is going to be very interesting from here on.

 -  You know, for it being 3:30 in the morning, it's surprising that I'm this coherent right now...or am I????

 -  BTW, if anybody has any Linux experience and knows of some good programs I can find, give me a buzz.

 -  In the time since Barack Obama has taken office, he's already signed a bill into law, ordered the closing of Guantanamo Bay, set up strict ethics rules regarding his staff, and is already pushing for another stimulus for infrastructure. I don't think Bush ever worked this much in one month at any time during his tenure and Obama did this much in a single week. Change is here, folks.

 -  I know it's only been over a month of winter, but could the weather associated with it just go away? I am not digging the cold and all the snow...at least it looks like Sunday it'll get a little bit warmer, though not much. I'm waiting for the "sun and 72 degrees" to come back, if you know what I mean.

 -  A reminder to governors around the country...do not...I repeat, do NOT....try to sell U.S. congressional seats to the highest bidder. It isn't ethical, as evidenced by the tossing of one Rod Blagojevich from the governor's position in Illinois. BTW, try to say "Blagojevich" five times fast without becoming tongue twisted...it's a challenge, for sure.

 -  I've done lots of thinking lately. Lots of it.

 -  I need a new wardrobe, or at least new clothes and stuff. Guess I gotta wait until I get some money first.

I have the urge to go on with random thoughts, but I feel it better to cut it off now before I get too wacky with them...it is real early in the morning, y'know. Until next time, ladies, gentlemen, and non-human types...take care and God Bless.