Random Thoughts #22 - the "change is here" edition

Hello all and welcome to a new set of random thoughts from yours truly. Legitimate or not so legitimate...true to you, not true to you...relevant, irrelevant...I'll let you decide. Enjoy.

 -  I know I've talked a lot about my issues and trials over the past year here on the blog. However, I've noticed a trend over that time that I hadn't really noticed before...more and more people overall are now starting to face those same issues and trials. That may have been the case generally, but given my self-absorption and sometimes myopic focus concerning my own issues this is really the first time I've noticed such a trend. Now, don't get me wrong, I do try to stay aware of what's going on around me. Sometimes what I see and hear isn't always what's actually going on (especially regarding the hearing thing), but I'd like to think I keep up with current events and activities regarding my friends. My point actually doesn't cover that aspect...I'm talking about people overall...the general public, if you will. The economy going into a nosedive is the big factor, putting people into the same financial bracket that I'm currently in (in other words, strain), which of course leads to other areas of commonality such as self esteem issues, logistical concerns, etc. Now, in a way I feel like an expert in that I understand what all those people are about to go through and putting me in a position I've never found myself in that often: part of the general population. On the other hand, I wish I were not such an expert on that stuff and not 'just' a part of the general population because like many I know I'd rather be doing better than I am right now and I'd like to stand out in a positive light...at least that's the hope I have for myself.

 -  Wow, really long thought...gotta take a breath....whew! Ok, back to business...

 -  Regarding that 'general population and me not part of it often' point: how many of you have ever seen the movie "Mystery Men"? It's a story about superheroes and one of the taglines is "We're not your classic heroes...we're the other guys." Well, if life were like that movie, I would be one of those "other guys". Throughout my life I've been an outsider and felt like one to boot. I have done many things to try to fit in and even stand out positively to only minimal success, at times looking foolish or even worse in the end. Some of you know of my crazy attempts at "formalizing" group friendships at times (the Wolfpack and World's Finest come to mind, for those of you with long memories). Many have noticed my reluctance to do things sometimes, even supposedly important stuff...this is a big factor in that. Now don't get me wrong...there are advantages to it sometimes and I do view myself as someone who wants to do good and do the right thing. Regardless of how I felt or feel about it, if anybody had to ask me how I view myself and my life, I would state that movie tagline and proclaim "I'm one of those other guys."

 -  Whoa...another long thought...boy, those kind are tiring, aren't they...deep breath now....

 -  Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow....somewhere else.

 -  Barack Obama has been in office two full days now and he has already done two major things...he is closing the Guantanamo Bay prison within a year and he set up pretty strict new ethics rules for his staff. It seems like it's a good start already. Let's hope he keeps it up.

 -  I was thinking about taking a road trip by myself to the inauguration in DC just to be near the atmosphere, but I'm glad I didn't. It was really crowded (two million, from what I hear), it was really cold, I wouldn't have gotten close to anything with the traffic there, and I wouldn't have known where to go to park and where to walk. My impulsiveness was kept in check....this time.

 -  I didn't do much this past week because I pulled a muscle in my stomach. It was just annoying, a bit painful and I could have gone out anyway, but I didn't want to take any chances. I thought rest was prudent and it has been. I do plan on going out this weekend and one of my friends who moved back here to Columbus is planning to as well, so come on out and join us.

 -  You know it's a slow news day when the local news posts a story about a strange-on-its-face lawsuit concerning a strip club in your hometown that's over 100 miles away. And that's only two days after the big story so far this year, the presidential inauguration. Go figure.

 -  A few days ago I tried to install a beta of the upcoming Windows 7 onto my computer. Everything was actually working great except for one thing...I couldn't get the internet whatsoever. When I tried to reinstall my original OS, I had to call Microsoft support to get it activated again which was a nuisance. Now I have almost everything back (my music, video, photo and document files were safe regardless), but now I have an ugly gray or greenish gray color where there was once white, which I preferred. If anybody knows how I can get rid of the gray, let me know...I have tried many things, but they haven't worked so far. It's the only thing that is keeping my computer from looking like what it was before all this.

 -  The Cleveland Cavaliers aren't doing too bad so far. They may have lost to the Lakers, but they bounced back and beat the Trail Blazers. This might be the year for them.

 -  I just found out one of my friends from Akron, Jay, is finally moving to Columbus...that makes four people from my time at the Harry Buffalo who have followed in my footsteps in coming here. I am happy that he made it here and wonder what took him so long...just kidding.

Now before I go, I want everybody to know that, even though the Lord wants me to work on the things that have needed work for some time now (those issues I've mentioned in recent blogs past) and how some of you are concerned given how I've described some events recently, I am doing okay. I'm waiting for the day where I can talk about it but until then just know that I am looking forward to the good things the Lord has coming not just to me but to others and that I will be alright. Take care and God Bless.