Random Thoughts #21 - the "out there" edition

Hello and welcome to another set of crazy random thoughts that pop into my head. I'm waiting on what the Lord has for me next so until then let's get to them, shall we? Enjoy.

 -  I actually had a good time at the OC on Saturday night. There were more attractive women there than usual...even the bouncers noticed. It was an enjoyable night, to say the least.

 -  If anybody knows people who deal with autism (more in a professional manner than a personal one), could somebody have them get in touch with me? It's a private manner that I'm not gonna get into here but I've got some questions.

 -  A subject that's probably only interesting to me: what celebrities have you met? I'm not talking about those you have just shaken their hand or asked a question to get an answer...I'm talking about having at least a short conversation with, hung out with for a time, or keep in touch with. I've had that with Paul Newman (really, a cool cat if I'd ever met one, God rest his soul), The Dude from the Big Lebowski (real name Jeff Dowd; I have his business card somewhere around here), Jerry Springer (extremely sharp political mind; surprising for what he does now), and Spike Lee (great director and storyteller, but facts twist around him & he comes off too much as a suck-up to certain people and things). If anybody has some to share and might want public (let me know on that...don't want to cross any boundaries here), maybe I'll put up a "random encounters" blog, in a way similar to my random thoughts blogs.

 -  Regarding that last blurb...I am a Christian and know that celebrity is not something looked highly upon, idolatry and such (the Lord is the only one I will ever worship, BTW). Describing encounters with celebrities, however, does give insight into ourselves, sometimes what we value, and definitely paints a portrait into the types of people who we look up to and don't look up to...given my interests in mass media and it affects people, that's what I'm getting into here.

 -  I watched some of the Golden Globe Awards last night. Last year they had a press conference for a ceremony due to the writer's strike, but it came back in grand fashion this year. This is the one award show that, if I had went to one, seems really fun to be at. Since the MTV Awards have become so over-scheduled and corporate in nature, this one is probably the loosest and funnest award show out there right now and probably for the foreseeable future.

 -  Why the label "out there" for this edition? Well, I am putting things out there, but that would be too literal and too easy an interpretation for me to use. I've been described as "out there" by some including people who probably shouldn't be doing so. For this particular blog, it was just something random that popped into my head...I get those from time to time...goes with the "random" theme, I guess.

 -  There's only a bit over a week left until Barack Obama officially becomes President of the United States. It does seem, however, that his influence is already shaping activities within the country and around the world. That shows me how powerful his influence may become in the next four years, and thankfully it seems like it's gonna be one for the greater good...unlike the one we've been dealing with for the past few year.

 -  I haven't gotten around to getting out to other different places more yet, with the weather being so crappy and all. I'm also still in the middle of a "stable job" search and that other stuff I've been alluding to, so getting out is not something high on the list of things to do unless things start happening on other fronts...or I just get bored and go do something.

That's it for now. Not as many as the last time but enough for me this time. Maybe next time I'll talk about some grand adventure that I've been on...or maybe not. Take care and God Bless.