Random Thoughts #16 - the "things are changing" edition

Greetings and welcome to another late night set of thoughts from yours truly. To warn you now, the first couple of thoughts will be hard for me to get across, but I hope they make sense to you. On that note, let's get to 'em:

 -  For a long time now I've been grappling with two long-standing problems that are somewhat intertwined but different in how they affect me. I can't really get into what they are here because of the intensely personal and affective nature of them. I can say they have nothing directly to do with any of my friendships, any particular people, any of my interests, or my faith (this in particular is helping me big time through this). They have, however, caused problems in certain places, especially the financial stuff, and with certain people indirectly. They may cause more if I don't do something about them. If I had to sum this up in one statement, here's what I'm getting at: "I'm doing okay for now but in order for me to go forward I need to face these problems I've been grappling with." In light of recent events, I've started the process of making some changes I feel will help me get where I need to be and more will come. Some of them may not make sense right off the bat but I'm fairly certain they will in the long run. I've had to sacrifice some activities temporarily and even take a sabbatical from my church in order to do this. Understand that when I've done things on this scale previously, I have succeeded, and with the Lord's help and that of all those who want to help I'll do so again, though I will say this looks to be a bumpy road for me.

 -  I do ask for a few things regarding that last thought. One...PLEASE do not ask specifics about this because it's already tough enough for me to broach...I'm a sensitive person, ya know? Besides, I don't want my personal business accidently becoming the gossip of strangers who have no stake in my well being. Two...I'm keeping this on the down low to protect myself and possibly others but if for some odd reason you find out what's going on with me and wish to help, could you please wait until I ask for it? That's for my sanity...what's left of it LOL. Three...this is an odd request but it's important to what I'm doing regarding all this...if anybody has personal problems in general (not activity-type stuff and hopefully not already involving me in some bad way), give me a chance to help even it it seems I may be out of my league. Many I have known have dismissed things I've told them only for me to find later what I foresaw came true (and apparently it's been happening more than I even knew as of a couple weeks ago). Also, I care about you people and don't want to be left out just because I'm dealing with my issues. Its up to you whether you take me up on it or not, but it would be nice to be considered.

 -  On a different note, O.J. Simpson got sent up the river on Friday. The Goldman family is probably giddy as heck about this.

 -  Even though I'm taking a sabbatical from Crossroads WCC, I'm still gonna promote it because it still is my church home in spirit. The link is on my profile, so go to the Crossroads site from there. As far as the Browns Backers go, I'm gonna play that by ear for now because I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet. Same with the club stuff, and though I do plan to go out this weekend even that might change.

 -  Something I forgot to do in the last blog...MC Breed died recently at age 37. He rapped "Ain't No Future In Yo Frontin'." He will be missed.

 -  I'm not sure what I'm going to do for New Year's Eve yet. I want to celebrate it but don't know what my money situation will be so I haven't solidified those plans. If anybody has any ideas, please let me know.

 -  Boy I hate cold weather right now...makes me want to be cranky...must be my sinuses or something, I don't know.

I guess that's it for now. It's really late and I need to get some shut eye. Pray for me as I start getting down to dealing with my issues here. I believe the Lord is with me but it doesn't hurt to have more prayers. Take care and God Bless.