Random Thoughts #15 - the "spoiler" edition

Greetings and Happy Thanksgiving, all! I'm feeling a little better this week after a lot of rest, especially today, and I have a few random thoughts to share, so enjoy:

 -  As most of you know, my friend Roger Byrd passed on last week. Although still grieving, I think that most of us who knew him should be thankful that he was in our lives. I saw a couple of signs this week that gave me the impression (I think the Lord sent them) that he's doing OK in heaven. Rest in peace, my brother.

 -  Like I said in my last blog, I've been getting in touch with people I haven't seen in a long time. I'm thankful that they've been in my life and I'm hopeful that I've worthy enough to be considered for thankfulness in their lives as well.

 -  Why did I title this the "spoiler" edition instead of some Thanksgiving related one? Well, it has to do with something that has been going on here in Columbus the past few weeks that I think is important to address. The city has been hunting down a serial rapist that has hit several areas over the past month and at least seven have been linked to this one person. Hand in hand with getting in touch with old friends and keeping up with current ones, I've been keeping vigilance and watching out for the local ones at this time as well. Nobody knows who this rapist is or how or if he cases his victims, so I've been acting on it a bit more as of late. Suggestion: if some guy who you don't know and seems creepy or strange in some way tries getting close to one of your female friends, don't be afraid to play "spoiler" and pretend to be your friend's "boyfriend" or "cousin" or something along those lines, especially if your particular female friend does not want this person around. Ladies, if you feel creeped out by some stranger checking you out, grab one of us males to be a "spoiler" to help you out...I really don't mind doing the role and I'm sure the other guys won't either. Hey, the person may turn out to be okay, but I had to play spoiler last night for one of my female friends who had some wannabe casanova hovering around her half the night. Until this rapist guy is caught, don't take chances especially if you are worried about your safety. I don't want any of my friends hurt.

 -  The Christmas programming on TV is now in full swing. It was pretty much regulated to two channels until today, but get ready for the onslaught if you're a regular TV watcher like myself.

 -  I haven't done this in a while, but check out my church when you get the chance, Crossroads World Christian Center at http://www.crossroadswcc.org. We're gonna have a TV show soon too, so stay tuned.

 -  The Browns lost Brady Quinn for the season and I think we blew our season with the loss to Houston last week. There's always hope and I still stick with my Browns through good and bad (no fair weather fan here), but it looks as though we're gonna have to look forward to next season.

 -  OSU beat the Wolverines for the fifth year in a row. We blew them out pretty bad and, like I said, I can only feel sorry for Michigan because they're stuck with a John Cooper-like coach in Rich Rodriguez. I have a couple of friends who are Michigan fans and they have not especially been too vocal this year as they had been in years past, and for some reason I miss it a bit....only a bit, though.

 -  Song on repeat: "I'll Be Over You" by Toto...no particular reason and no memory I'm dealing with in particular that relates to it, I just like the song.

 -  For those of you thinking about going shopping tomorrow...Beware of Black Friday!!!! BoooooOOOOOOooooooo!!!! You will be haunted by low prices that you could not get to in time and items that run out RIGHT before you get there. Beware! BEEEWAAARE!!!!!!!

That's it for the random thoughts today. Join me next time as I start singing some of the worst Christmas carols in the history of man. Sing along with me now...Jingle bells, Batman smells, Robin laid an egg....Until next time, have a happy Thanksgiving, take care and God Bless.