Random Thoughts #14 - the "Michigan don’t matter" edition

I'm not feeling that witty right now, so i'm just gonna get to my thoughts:

 -  Before I say anything here, Myspace changed things up so that now I can have my blog and comments only read by my friends here. Anything I post here now will not be blasted all over Myspace anymore (at least by me) thanks to the new format setup, so I can be a bit more loose here. Just be respectful in that if I post something here that is only meant for here, it doesn't end up all over Myspace because someone else doesn't respect the boundaries I put up. Just sayin'.

 -  Earlier today I had to attend the funeral of and say goodbye to one of my best friends Roger Byrd. He had a long illness and he passed away on Tuesday. He went way too soon. My thoughts and prayers are with his wife Heather and his children. Please send your prayers to them as well.

 -  It has been one of the toughest weeks of my life because of this. I've been running the gamut of emotions over his passing. Roger and I were a part of a great group of friends here in Columbus that even though we may not be together all the time like back in the day, the bottom line is we're family. My fellow "brothers and sisters" are also having a hard time with this and all we can do now and in the future is to just be there for each other and be supportive when we can.

 -  One of the things I've been doing this week which I haven't done for some time is get in touch with a lot of people I haven't seen or heard from. I mostly reached out to those who may have known Roger (some of them did, thankfully). I've been lax in keeping up with my "family" and with a lot of my old friends and feeling guilty I hadn't done more because I've been so wrapped up in trying to survive here in Columbus. I even reconnected with someone here on Myspace that I haven't seen in over 10 years (DRSKETCH in my "new friends" listing) and trying to reconnect him with the rest of the family. I'm happy to hear they're doing alright and some better than that. Though it will be a challenge, I hope to do a better job in keeping up with them from now on.

 -  This week I would normally be talking about my thoughts on the OSU/Michigan rivalry and maybe even talk some smack, but with Michigan's record in the toilet and the events over the past week, I'm just not into it this year. One particular note though...I feel bad for Michigan because they have Rich Rodriguez as their coach....trust me, he's the equivalent of John Cooper at OSU...and I never thought I'd feel sorry for Michigan about anything. Go figure.

I'm just gonna go ahead and end this because I'm still dealin' right now. My prayer for Roger in heaven is that he doesn't embarrass the Lord too much when he beats him at Tekken for the 30 millionth time and keeps doing it. That's it, folks. I mean it especially now when I say take care and God Bless.