Random Thoughts #17 - the "holiday blues" edition

Hello, all. I'm back with yet another set of random thoughts, so here we goooooooooooo:

 -  An update on me 'making changes' that I mentioned I was doing last blog: not much to report yet...I'm in the evaluative phase right now and might be for a while. While I'm doing this, don't be surprised if I seem a little distant...I'm just forcing myself to mind my own business a bit more so I can get through this. I'm going to be taking my time here because I wanna get this right.

 -  Something I noticed in the world of celebrity today...there have been a rash of passings today, the most notable being Bettie Page (pinup girl/fetish model) and Van Johnson (40's/50's movie heartthrob). There are other minor celebs and notables out there too.

 -  I don't know about anybody else, but I've been driving around a bit and I haven't seen anybody put up any Christmas lights. Usually I'll see a few around this time and then a bunch near and even after Christmas, but this time...nothing, zip, zilch, nada. I guess the economy is really hitting people hard in the electric bills this year. At least gas and food are coming down a bit.

 -  The Christmas programming onslaught is in full swing...enjoy it for the next two weeks, folks.

 -  I came across a Daily Show video recently regarding the departure of Alan Colmes from the Fox News Network. Hall and Oates (one of my favorite music acts) remastered one of their songs in so-called honor of this, redoing "She's Gone" as a...tribute, so to speak. It was so funny that Colmes' old sparring partner Sean Hannity had a conniption fit of a response when he viewed it.  Find it if you can online somewhere.

That's it for now...the short, short version of my thoughts for today. I didn't have much but wanted to share what I had. Until next time, don't forget about those in need, especially the rich folk who need that bailout money to finance their bonuses...NOT!!! Take care and God Bless.