Random Thoughts #18 - the "Christmas sucks" edition

Hello all. Christmas really doesn't suck, but the title got your attention, didn't it? Anyway, here I am back with another round of random thoughts for your perusing. Enjoy.

 -  Regarding what I'm dealing with...still in the evaluating phase, though I did get some insight to chew on (not all of it wanted) which leads to the next blurb...

 -  I went up to Akron last weekend to visit my family. I decided to stay overnight because the weather was pretty warm on Friday and it seemed like a good day to travel. I also had a great turkey dinner, since I missed Thanksgiving (Thanks, Mom). Anyway...after a conversation with one particular family member, I discovered (amongst other things, some I won't mention here) that there were more people than I thought having trouble seeing me as I am now, which I really didn't want to hear about but perhaps I needed to. Apparently it reflects similar circumstances as other people I've talked about in the past, but something became clearer to me as I was dealing with this. When I encounter my friends, family, co-workers (when I have them), or even complete strangers, it really hasn't been for very long periods of time...maybe a couple hours a week, a month or even years, maybe a phone call or email every once in a while, or even if they are just reading this blog. I've discovered that since I generally keep to myself and am sometimes in my own world (even when I lived in Akron or with a roommate), those windows of opportunity to see changes in me or even as I truly am are more limited than I had realized. That makes it difficult for people who sporadically hear from me or see me (which includes most people I know) to be sure or believe I'm not the same person I was when I probably last saw them. Not many people would know off-hand that I became a born-again Christian or even an OSU graduate unless they were there when it happened or I told them. Understandably, how each circumstance and others have changed me would be difficult to tell if it appears to people that I'm supposedly acting the same as the last time they saw me. Maybe I am acting the same and maybe I'm not, but for those doubters who don't know, I can only rely on faith and that the truth is there for them to see if they wish to. I believe the only one who sees all the changes I've made is the good Lord above, because He is the only one who knows all of what I've been through...or a long time girlfriend or wife would, if either ever happens for me.

 -  Regarding the similar circumstances I mentioned in the last blurb...quickie reminder, I'm talking about some accusing me of seeing and treating people as they were back in the day and not as they are now. For those who still think this, I guess I can say at this point to be careful that you don't do that yourselves.

 -  Someone asked me a while back why I "go through all this trouble" when describing or dealing with this type of stuff, including things I've talked about in previous blogs and the long explanations and stuff. Well, doing it this way for me is "small potatoes", so to speak, and I understand that not everybody does things this way with the possibility that some aren't even capable of it. On the flip side, there are methods and ways others get things done that I'm not capable of myself regardless of how "easy" some may think them to be...different strokes for different folks. I believe if you have all the facts and all the tools necessary laid out on the table, then resolutions and solutions will come faster and with more certainty of a good outcome...but that's just my belief.

 -  My blurbs get "long" sometimes, don't they....heh heh heh.

 -  Football: the Browns have the players...they need a new coaching staff and less injuries, maybe some different players too but not as many as the last time they needed to rebuild. Heck, they have Pro Bowlers this season so not everything is lost even though this season is.

 -  I hope everybody's enjoying the Christmas TV programming...there seems to be more diversity than in years past and I am enjoying a lot of what's on this year as a result.

 -  Even though I celebrated this holiday already with my parents, I am going to be celebrating Christmas with some of my friends, the people who I do consider family, on the actual day itself. This is a first for me and I am looking forward to it.

 -  I do have "default" plans for New Years Eve, but if anybody has something potentially more spectacular, on the cheap, and something I can also bring my friends to, I'm all for it. Please let me know before the new year arrives.

 -  Basketball: boy the Cavaliers are kicking butt this year. Best start for the team, I think, and I wasn't even going to pay attention...go figure.

 -  Word of the day: presbylutheranism. I got that from the Simpsons...it's the denomination of Rev. Lovejoy's church. Try to say that five times fast.

Now, I think I better get out of here before some holy war breaks out with one side chanting "Cowabunga!" and the other yelling "Eat my shorts!" If I don't hear from you or see you beforehand, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and hope you are enjoying your time with your families and friends this holiday season...with the country and economy as they are currently we need both. Take care and God Bless.