Random Thoughts #19 - the "end" edition

Hello and welcome to the latest set of random thoughts from yours truly and probably the last ones for calendar year 2008. Enjoy.

 -  The year of 2008 is almost over, and I for one am really looking forward to next year (and have been for a while now). Looking back, this has been a rough year for me socially, financially and personally. The big event for me this year was, unfortunately, the passing of my friend Roger at the end of November. Given the influence he had on me (especially in the dancing dept.) it dealt me a personal blow that I am still recovering from. My financial status was consistently in flux and my social life was sluggish at best. I also had to take my time in getting over a pretty bad relationship from last year which left me shaken for some time. I looked in many places for relief and sanctuary from these hard times to mixed fortune. There were a few gems here and there, like shaking hands with President-elect Barack Obama and getting in touch with people I hadn't seen in a long time, some for several years. Overall though, I'm relieved this year is ending in a few days and hopefully the Lord will make 2009 a much better year for me.

 -  The 2008 season of the Cleveland Browns is also over...mercifully. The GM, Phil Savage, was fired today with head coach Romeo Crennel probably getting the ax tomorrow. After suffering through this joke of a season, it's definitely for the best. I'm hoping that the Tennessee Titans defensive coordinator Jim Schwartz becomes the next head coach, but whoever it is I hope he's better than Crennel. One last thought on the 2008 season...it's really bad when I do more winning during Browns games than the Browns themselves do...that's pretty sad.

 -  What did I win during those games, you say? Well, for the Westerville Browns Backers, we have raffles during halftime of Browns games and I've won on five different occasions this season. I won two T-shirts, a GameWorks 1-hour card, a scarf, and a notepad set. Small things, yes, but worth cherishing during a poor season.

 -  I haven't done New Year's resolutions in years, but I am coming up with ideas and plans for next year already. I'm still evaluating what changes need to be made in response to those long-standing problems I've been talking about the past few weeks and I'm planning on getting those changes enacted sometime soon. Also after a year of intermittent temp work I'm gonna focus on finding a regular job, though it will be tough given the crappy economy right now. I'm also gonna work on my social life a bit, especially in the dating department since that has sucked since...well, it's always sucked. Ultimately I am looking to change my fortunes from bad to good and I'm looking to make that happen in the next year.

 -  Even though my holiday visit with my family in Tallmadge wasn't all that, I did enjoy myself very much and had more fun at my friend Kevin's on Christmas day itself. It saved what I felt was a pretty dull holiday, even with all the improved Christmas programming.

 -  Well, my default plans for New Years Eve are on hold for now due to an unforseen complication, and unless something changes those plans are pretty much out the window. If anybody has ideas on what to do this New Year's Eve that are on the cheap, let me know because I'm not the only one who's default plan got changed.

 -  A request: I am looking for pics of me, with any of my friends AND by myself, from any time before September of 2003. I just don't happen to have any from before that time, so if anybody has some in a digital format or online, I'll give you my e-mail addy so that you can send them to me directly. If anybody has some I'd appreciate it.

Before I go, I want to tell you all that, if I don't see you before the beginning of the new year, you have a safe and happy holiday, don't get too drunk if you drink, and I will see you next year....same DJ time, same DJ channel. Here's to good fortune for next year. Take care and God Bless.