DJ's Myspace blog entry - Happy Labor Day...if there is such a thing wished on people

Greetings! BTW, who actually wishes a happy Labor Day anyway? I mean, for Christmas and Easter and 4th of July, I can understand, but Labor Day? I don't know. Anyway, I hope everybody is enjoying the holiday, because for many of us it is the symbolic start of football season. I've got my Browns and of course my Buckeyes and many of you have your own favorites...this year should be pretty exciting.

Anyway, if you didn't know by now, I went to the Obama/Biden rally on Saturday in Dublin (8/30/2008...put here for me to remember the actual date of the event). To say it was exciting was an understatement. It was freakin' sweet. I got there at 10:30 in the morning and was one of the first people in line. I waited in the hot sun for about 5 hours until the gates opened up. I had a 'preferred seating' ticket for helping out the Westerville Dems, so once the gates opened up I darted for a front row spot right next to the stage. I had a great view of all the speakers, including Obama and Biden (obviously), former astronaut and OH senator John Glenn, Sherrod Brown, Gov. Ted Strickland, and a bunch of the local candidates. But just to hear our potential future president and vice president speak live and to shake their hands afterwards...that is something I'm gonna be able to share with my kids if I ever have any. It was an amazing experience and one I will cherish.

Afterwards, I ended up only with sunburns on my forearms and my nose. I used sunglasses and a towel to keep the sun off most of my face (didn't help with my big nose though) and the light-colored clothing actually kept me cool for the most part. I got up real early in the morning because I was so excited (almost like a kid on Christmas...almost) and after the rally was super-tired. I don't even know how I made it to the club later that night or avoided falling asleep there...must have been leftover excitement. I have to tell ya...I slept in for a VERY long time yesterday to recover, and it was the longest sleep I had in about a month (due to the aforementioned sickness I talked about in my last blog) and the most restful. Now it's back to the waiting game again with my next job assignment. Take care and God Bless.