DJ's Myspace blog entry - Random stuff

I usually do "random thoughts" blogs when I do this, but today I decided to do a "random stuff" blog...just stuff that's been going on with me and what might be coming up sprinkled with a few thoughts.

 -  I started a new assignment over a week ago and it's draining me a bit financially just to be there, having to pay for parking and food and all that. I'm only there for a couple more weeks, but at least it's a paycheck. Lots of fun!!!

 -  Had a blast last night at the OC. It was a celebration of the birthdays of a couple guys from my crew, Dave and Griff. I personally danced with several women last night, which surprised some (including me). The entire crew showed up to celebrate last night and we brought many to the party. To those of you who missed it, sorry about your luck.

 -  I'm still helping out at my church, Crossroads World Christian Center. We've got another congregation about to use our facility and we're going to be doing the Sunday night service regularly. Come on down and check it out...I and Pastor Cory would love to see you there.

 -  The preseason of NFL football is starting within the next couple of weeks. For me, that means Browns football and specifically the Westerville Browns Backers will be starting up again. It's nice to be around folk who like the same interests as myself.

 -  As far as my political activities go, most of it is up in the air. I'm part of the Westerville Democrats (yes, there are Democrats in Westerville) and we're working to promote local candidates on both Franklin and Delaware County sides of the city. Supposedly the Obama campaign is opening up a northern Franklin County office, and if they do I'll probably be able to get more involved with that.

 -  My parents' anniversary is this week...I think they've been together around 45-46 years now and married for 44 of those years. Maybe I'll have one of those types of anniversaries someday.

That's my random stuff for now. Take care and God Bless.