DJ's Myspace blog entry - What is freedom?

In the spirit of the holiday, I thought I'd blog about something relevant to the day itself, so here's my question to you: what is freedom? People interpret it in many different ways. A particular version I found in Webster's Dictionary includes the following in it's description: the quality or state of being free; the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action; liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another; the quality or state of being exempt or released usually from something onerous, such as freedom from care; and the quality of being frank, open, or outspoken; It's also listed as a political right, franchise, or privilege. It's a rather formal definition, but for some reason it doesn't seem enough in describing the word itself. It is so encompassing that it's hard to believe that people can take freedom for granted....but they can and they often do.

The word itself, "freedom," is used so much by media figures that people may tune it out. Disturbing yet true. It sometimes seems to be twisted to fit the ideals of one particular person or group and impressed upon us as something that is the right to only a select few. In actuality it is extremely pervasive and entrenched in almost every aspect of American life. It can be as basic as choices in what kind of food we eat, what clothes we wear, or who we decide to talk to. As Americans we are free to include ourselves in or protest problems with our government through the power of voting and participation in civic activities.

However, as the saying goes, "freedom is not completely free." American freedom intertwines with another concept intregral to it's ultimate survival and longevity: responsibility. In principle, responsibility is vital for our freedom to fluorish. We have various degrees of responsibility to our families, our friends, our neighbors, our government, and especially to ourselves. The delicate balance between what we are free to do and what we are responsible for is what many of our laws attempt to redress. Some people take their responsibilities very seriously and some drop them like a bad habit when they probably shouldn't. Ultimately, whatever responsibility we decide to take is a choice we make freely even when it seems we don't have one.

So again, what is freedom? I believe the meaning differs for each of us and it can be hard to put into words, but it is so meaningful that we actually take a day to celebrate what it means to each of us. Until next time, take care and God Bless.