Random Thoughts #3 - the "update" edition

Here's another, probably smaller than usual, go-round of random thoughts from this crazy head of mine.

 -  Has anybody noticed how much updating there's been lately regarding computer apps and internet stuff. Last week alone I updated Firefox to the new 3.0 and Myspace got upgraded (if you can call that crap of a 'people search' function an upgrade). Also, several sites I regularly visit changed big time, from the look of certain pages to upgrades in forums I visited. I believe this is the most updating I've ever done in that short a time....ever. I guess I'm fortunate my computer is able to keep up.

 -  I had a good time at the O.C. in Gahanna last night. I needed it considering I've been pretty bummed from waiting on my next job assignment and trying to conserve on gas as much as possible.

 -  BTW, there's no other way to say it: gas prices suck.

 -  Query: when are restaurants gonna start using tomatoes again? Some food just don't taste right without 'em and I'm pretty sure there's a lot of people out there who agree with me.

 -  I'm fairly certain I'll be working on the Obama presidential campaign in some capacity, but I don't know how much yet. I did some voter registration stuff last weekend and I plan on being at Comfest on Friday sometime working one of the tables there (not sure what time yet). My participation will depend on my ability to work around any job assignment I get and also with how much gas and bills go up.

 -  I've had something on my mind lately and it concerns personal boundaries and "people's business", for lack of a better description. I'm not speaking of myself particularly but I know of several people dealing with problems that are incidentally affecting, in various degrees, not only me but others I know and potentially more. In many of these situations, others and I have been asked either not to involve ourselves or worry about it. In a few cases, I know of particular friends who question the people around them as to why they should still be friends if they're so affected, like it shouldn't be their business in the first place. I'm not sure I should say it like this, but I can't think of a better way or more diplomatic way to say it so I'm doing it like this. I have a message for those people with these problems: you are our friends, lovers, compatriots, whatever comes to mind. We care about what happens to you and what happens with you. If we didn't, we wouldn't be your friends now, would we? And don't get to thinking that your problems, however private and personal they may be, don't or won't affect us or others around you, because whether any of us like it or not, they do and they will. In other words, your business may end up our business if it hasn't already, and it is or will start affecting us. If people around you question how you go about your business or how you're handling a problem or not handling one, let 'em! We care about you and give a damn about you, and as your friends, lovers, compatriots, whatever, we want the best for you and want to see you at your best, even if it means we have to question your judgment or hit you upside your head to do it. I think it's our right to be concerned, honestly. Personally, I'd be worried if there wasn't concern especially with these problems I'm alluding to. I do know all of us have to keep boundaries intact and not violate them, but be careful that those boundaries don't become walls that push people away from you. And don't be afraid to ask us for help or advice. That's what friends are for, for crying out loud.

 -  You know that when I use lots of run-on sentences and attempt formal language that it does affect me personally, goes pretty deep, and is pretty damn important, pardon my French.

 -  I'm not sure how many of you are religious or spiritual, but my church is looking to expand our congregation and would love to get a chance for worshippers or potential worshippers to join us at Crossroads World Christian Center. I'm talking to you, my friends, and I wouldn't offer this if I wasn't sure about it or supportive of it myself. It is ministered by Pastor Cory Pariseau, one of my oldest friends (he's at the top of my Top Friends list) from back when we hung out at OSU dance clubs. If you have questions about it, give me a buzz or go check out either Pastor Cory's Myspace profile or our church website "www.crossroadswcc.org". Heck, for those people I was talking about earlier, the ones with the problems, it's a chance to pray over your current predicaments and hopefully start working toward resolving past or current issues. I know personally there's a lot to gain from doing this, so pelase give this some serious consideration especially if you are looking for a church home or haven't been to church in a while.

That's all for now. It might be a little preachy or a little "sale-minded" if you know what I mean, but darn it, I give a damn....pardon my French. Later and God Bless.