Random Thoughts #2 - the "living room" edition

I know I've already written two blogs in the past week, but for some reason I'm on a blogging kick. I've got some random thoughts to share...or at least put down to get out of my head again....and here they are:

 -  After writing my last blog, I started feeling better and the thoughts about ole girl aren't so prominent in my head anymore. Prayer and support go a long way, I tell ya.

 -  Yesterday Bo Diddley passed away. It was a sad day for rock 'n roll and he will be missed. Rest in peace.

 -  I don't know about anybody else, but what's with all the death's doorstep news lately...Senators Edward Kennedy and Robert Byrd; Kelsey Grammer; the aforementioned Bo Diddley. I'm not even focused on it but it's been pretty evident for about a week now....what's up with that?

 -  It looks like Barack Obama is gonna be the Democratic Party nominee for president. I'm not sure if I'm gonna work on the campaign or if I'll be able to.

 -  My church, Crossroads World Christian Center, is welcoming new parishoners and followers of Jesus who want to worship in an intimate setting that's ministered by my pastor and friend Cory Pariseau. If anyone's interested, send me a message or give me a buzz and let me know.

 -  As some of you know, I'm in between job assignments, so my finances and resources are gonna be tight for a while, so if I turn down invites and offers to go places don't be offended. I'm pretty sure there's a lot of us in that boat.

 -  $4.00 gas and rising food prices? I'm just not feelin' it.

 -  I've had my living room done for about a month now and I am enjoying every bit of it, especially the sleepable couch (thank you, Griff!) and the new bar table. Even my parents liked it, and that's saying something. Now I can have company over without feeling embarrassed, especially the female kind I can get romantic with....but I'm getting ahead of myself there.

 -  I don't know about all of you, but it's getting a bit irritating seeing tons of invites for installing social network apps posted up and down the comments and bulletins here on Myspace (the games, the 'own your friends' type stuff). Not necessarily my profile but other peoples. I actually had to drop one person from my friends because they spammed my (and others) bulletin space...6 pages worth. I know they're usually sent with good intentions, but it's getting ridiculous with some people. I know they're pretty new and you might want your friends to have them, but if you do send them just be mindful of how much they clutter comment sections and how impersonal and spam-like they appear on profiles.

That's all for now. I'm tired and hungry so I'm taking off. Later and God Bless.