Random Thoughts #61 - the "karmic" edition

Hello once again and welcome to my latest set of Random Thoughts.  I don't have much this week but I have a couple things to talk about, so with that in mind...enjoy.

 -  The reason I am calling this the "karmic" edition is because of an upgrade of my computer's operating system.  I am now using the "Karmic Koala" 9.10 version of Ubuntu Linux.  I beta-tested it a few months back and it was glitchy.  The latest so-called "stable" version, while up and running and using less CPU, still has glitches that need ironed out.  I do not have a background pic on my desktop, only a black background.  I am still having trouble with the desktop effects...sometimes they work and sometimes they don't.  Other stuff is either working slow or still glitchy.  I had to upgrade because once Karmic Koala was released, the update site stopped being able to update the version I was using, 9.04 (they got some weird designations for their individual operating systems).  Even now updating is spotty...when I can get them.  I think Canonical, the people overseeing Ubuntu, fumbled here with the release of Karmic because there is obviously a lot of work that still needed to be done before releasing this so-called "stable" version.  I know I still have to upgrade some of my components but the issues I have don't have anything to do with what I need upgraded.  Bad karma.

 -  Yesterday I started doing bingo calling for my church.  It was an interesting experience and one I'm going to repeat on Monday night at the place we're using as a bingo hall and a church facility.  This is something I will be doing a couple times a week for the foreseeable future unless I get a job that interferes with it.

 -  Speaking of my church, here's a plug for it:  Crossroads World Christian Center ministered by Pastor Cory Pariseau.

 -  The only saving grace for the Cleveland Browns right now is that they have a bye week next week.  The defense and special teams are okay, but the offense absolutely stinks.  There may be some personnel changes in the next two weeks on the offensive side of the ball.  At least I hope there are.

 -  Despite the record of the Browns, the Westerville Browns Backers still have a decent crowd show up to watch the games at Jimmy V's in Westerville, whether it has been to cheer about what's going on...a rare thing this season...or commiserate and vent about the losses and boneheaded plays.  Browns fans are more than welcome to join us in doing either thing there and hopefully starting with the Monday night game in two weeks we will have more to cheer about.

 -  Speaking of the Monday night game, there are plans for a "protest" by a couple of season ticket holders in the Dawg Pound at the beginning of the game.  I put the word protest in quotation marks because the idea these two are promoting has to be one of the single dumbest ideas ever used for consideration as a protest.  The idea was for fans to not be in the stands for the kickoff of the game, which is supposed to air on national television...that's it.  First of all, at most games a lot of people aren't in their seats at the time of kickoff anyway, so that means nothing.  Second, the seats are already paid for, so where's the gain there?  It's also just for one play...big whoop.  This idea came about from a guy with the nickname of "Dawg Pound Mike" who thought this would actually work.  Dawg Pound Mike, to his credit, helped campaign against the move of the old team to Baltimore and is a season ticket holder who's unhappy about how the Browns are doing.  However he is known by many to be an attention-seeking glory hound out for his own interests and he came up with some flimsy justifications for coming up with this as a protest.  As embarassing as the Browns have been for a while now, this stunt disguised as a protest will make the Browns fans themselves a laughingstock if it is gone through with.  The only reason it made news at all is that he went to a reporter, Marla Ridenour, who's known for having it in for the team and she ran with it in the Akron Beacon Journal.  Fortunately many are starting to push back against this stunt because they know that there are better ways to air grievances and they recognize this stunt for what it is...a stupid idea from a glory seeker.  Lord, I hope this stunt doesn't take place.

 -  All I'm gonna say about the OSU Buckeyes is that they had an easy game yesterday and that they have to win out in order to win the Big Ten title and a spot in the Rose Bowl.

 -  Election Day is happening this upcoming Tuesday, November 3rd.  If you haven't voted yet by absentee, then don't forget to do so on Tuesday wherever you may be.

 -  Song on repeat:  "These Dreams" by Heart.  The only reason this was the one on repeat is because this was the song I used to test for sound after upgrading my OS and not getting any sound right away.  I do have that working though, thank the Lord.

 -  SLP to the following:  Shadow, Pastor Cory, April, Tammy, Lynn, Debbie, Mike Bettes, Dave, Patrick, Mindy, Joe C. (thanks for putting up with me), and Walt.

A quick announcement before I end this today:  like the Browns I am going to take next weekend off and return with a new set of Random Thoughts in a couple of weeks unless something major happens for me this upcoming week.  I will definitely have stuff to talk about then because of a couple of personal anniversaries for me and other time sensitive stuff.  Until next time, folks.  Take care and God Bless.