Random Thoughts #62 - the "clingy" edition

Greetings and welcome to the latest set of Random Thoughts from yours truly.  I feel a little rusty in more than one way after a couple weeks off and the only way I know to combat that is to get going here.  With that in mind, enjoy.

 -  I'm calling this the "clingy" edition because of a sometimes annoying habit I have in some social situations that I finally got the chance to put some serious thought into.  Sometimes, after a quick word or a short conversation, I would sometimes linger and awkwardly hang around just a little too long for others' nerves and sometimes mine whenever I recognize it.  Usually it would be because I was bored, uncomfortable being by myself, looking for companionship at a particular time when others aren't ready or willing for it, or hoping that the other people I was around would have something more to talk about.  I've noticed such lingering and clinginess more in the past few months but it's been going on for years.  In attempting to deal with this, some have noticed other things such as me being by myself more in big crowds and me not hanging around in some places as much as I used to even when there are a lot of friends and people I know around.  Those things are the result of me trying to be more mindful of the people and the events around me and trying to put more value into all my conversations and encounters so that I don't linger around so much and subsequently get on peoples' nerves.  If I have gotten on your nerves in these circumstances, I humbly apologize.  I do suck at mind-reading and can't tell what others think at any particular moment so I go by my past experiences on what to do.  Again, I am trying to be more cognizant of what's going on around me and sometimes I can't always tell what's up.  The reason I'm talking about it here is that someone I respect called me on it recently and asked me why I do it.  At the time I didn't have an answer but I hope this blurb helps with that and that I am trying to do something about it.

 -  At this time I am dealing with a couple of anniversaries I don't particularly want to.  One is the passing of my friend Roger last year at this time and the other being me leaving Columbus 11 years ago around this time.  Before I continue here, I want to note quick that my prayers are still with Roger's wife Heather and her kids.  Even though I've been back in Columbus for some time now, both events still have significant and lingering...and, dare I say, a clinging...impact on my life and I continue to deal with the ramifications of each.  I didn't want to continue on here without noting this.

 -  My body has started going though "winterization" getting me ready for the upcoming winter months.  This is not fun for me and I hope it goes by quickly.

 -  Despite the rough patch I'm going through and the lingering stuff I've been facing, I am trying to keep my spirits up.  It hasn't been easy and I've been trying to get as much relaxation as I can to little effect, but that's what I've come to expect from this time of year.  I'm still waiting for the good things, the great times, and my calling as I noted last blog, so I am hopeful.

 -  The newest version of the sci-fi show "V" looks to be very promising.  It's moving at the same clip as the original mini-series but the special effects are much improved.  It has also been enjoyable and I hope it continues to be that.

 -  As a result of the election a couple weeks back, casinos are now slated to arrive in Ohio in about three or four years.  I don't know the impact it will have on the other current or future gambling initiatives including the bingo I currently call, but it will be interesting to watch.

 -  Last weekend I went up to the OC for the first time in a long time.  People actually didn't recognize me at first glance which was pretty funny.  I got to see a few people I haven't seen in a while including Dave, Ernest, Courtney, and Tommy D.  I did have fun but it was a weird night and it felt weird for me being there.  I did some dancing, but I noticed I'm not as into it as I once was.  I think it was because of something I realized and talked about a while back, that the club scene really wasn't for me anymore.  I'm not sure if that will stay the case, but I do know now that it probably wouldn't kill me to go out every once in a while.

 -  My church:  Crossroads World Christian Center.

 -  A couple of weeks ago I was looking at the OSU Buckeyes very critically.  Now, they are Big Ten champs for the fifth year in a row and headed to the Rose Bowl for the first time since 1997.  I still have questions about the team but since the last couple of wins I am not looking at them as critically as I did early on this college football season.  Also, it is Michigan week and unlike last year where other events took precedence I am looking forward to the Michigan game this year.

 -  The Browns have had somewhat of an eventful two weeks even though they had a bye last week.  The GM is gone and the search for a new boss is on.  Coach Eric Mangini is under the microscope even more so than before the last game.  The team is seemingly in chaos.  Throughout all that, I still support the Browns.  It would be easy to jump off and stop supporting them, but then I'd be like one of those bandwagon folks...showing superficial loyalty, only following winning teams wthout any real emotional investment, always trying to be on the "right" or "winning" side of things, acting like they've always been around when they haven't.  I just can't be that.  I grew up with the Browns and when they pull it together and start winning (they will...I have faith), that will be a time for genuine happiness.  Bandwagoners need not apply.

 -  Continuing with the Browns for a moment, they will be on Monday Night Football tomorrow night playing against the Baltimore Ravens.  The Westerville Browns Backers and I will be watching the game at Jimmy V's in uptown Westerville and Browns fans not going to the game are welcome to join us there in watching it.  I personally hope to see the so-called "protest" stunt planned for the beginning of the game blow up in the faces of the two attention-whore season ticket holders who came up with the lame-brained idea.  Shoot, I hope the announcers don't even acknowledge it.  I do hope that the Browns can somehow pull it together and pull out a win.  I don't know if that will happen, but I do have faith.

 -  I posted a Star Wars spoof video on my Facebook.  It's a follow-up to the "Star Wars Gangsta Rap" and made by the same creators.  It's pretty funny, so if you're on Facebook check it out.

 -  Song on repeat:  "Down" by Jay Sean.  The first new-ish song I've liked in a while, I've been listening to it a lot over the past couple of weeks.

 -  SLP to the following:  Dave, Pastor Cory, Bob, Lynn, Todd, Laura, Holly, Rita (belated happy birthday), my dad (happy b-day), Heather, Ernest, Tommy D, Shane, Harry, Courtney, Jessica, Jack, Andrea, Uncle Bill (happy birthday), and Sonya.

That's it for this edition of Random Thoughts.  I'm not sure I'm gonna do the blogging every week as I have been for the past year as activities and personal events and things have slowed somewhat.  It might still be every week, but it could be two or three weeks between blogs at times.  I'm not making any concrete decisions about that at this point, so all I will say is that if I have stuff I'll get it out there.  Until next time.  Take care and God Bless.