Random Thoughts #50 - the "lagging" edition

Hello and welcome to yet another round from yours truly. I'm doing this now because I can't get to sleep so I thought I'd get this out of the way while I'm up. A warning....I might doze in between entries. In the meantime, enjoy.

 -  I've been beta-testing the next version of the Ubuntu Linux OS, called "Karmic Koala" (they got such funky names for their operating systems). The big thing I've noticed so far is the lag my computer seems to have overall compared to the previous release. I suspect it's because it's a beta, but it might be my computer ain't all up to snuff just yet, at least until they release the final or release candidate versions. Some of the places I go to also seem to run slower than usual, but again it's probably the beta's fault. As a result, I might not be as available online as I had been if only because I'm trying to fix some issue or conflict with Karmic Koala here...just warning you now.

 -  It's now less than a week until the Browns kick off their preseason against the Packers, and I for one am excited. I'm planning on being at Jimmy V's in Westerville with my fellow Browns Backers this upcoming Saturday. This should be fun.

 -  Snoring.....snoring.....snoring.....wait, what was that? Oh yeah....must have dozed...I did say that might happen.

 -  Along with the Browns game this week I've got a pretty busy-like week ahead of me. Pray for good things.

 -  Something to note about the blog: with the NFL season coming up and with most of the Browns games being on Sundays, I'll probably be posting at different times and maybe even early or late depending on the times of the games.

 -  One more thing about the Browns: DE Shaun Smith, who notoriously sucker-punched QB Brady Quinn last season, was released yesterday afternoon. All I gotta say about that is goodbye to that loudmouth underachiever and don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split ya.

 -  My church home: Crossroads World Christian Center.

 -  I got to see the new "G.I. Joe" movie last night. It was a pretty good flick, definitely worth going to see in the theater. Highly recommended. Something I noticed is that they made major changes to the concession area at Easton....it's more like a cafeteria and they're serving beer now with the menu along with other things. It is radically different, to say the least.

 -  Song on repeat: "One Headlight" by the Wallflowers. There is one line in particular in this song that sums up succinctly what it feels like for me right now: "I ain't changed, but I know I ain't the same." Says a lot, don't ya think?

 -  SLP to the following: Roger Booth (happy birthday), Mindy, Angie, Anna, Andrew, Gandhi, Joe, Pastor Cory, Kathy, and Pat.

I'm keeping it sorta short this week because I don't know exactly what my computer might do next and that I need to get back to bed so I can hopefully get some more sleep. I'll have more next time, so until then....take care and God Bless.