Random Thoughts #49 - the "follow the leader" edition

Hello everybody and welcome to the month of August. I can't believe it's already this late into the year and it still feels like a warmer spring than a hot summer. Anyway, once again I have a lot to get to, sooooooo.....away we go.

 -  I went to a family reunion and birthday party for my second cousin Josie yesterday. I wasn't sure I was gonna be able to make it because of some running around I had to do, but I kicked my tail to get it done so I could go. There were a LOT of people there, more than I expected to see. I got to see relatives on my mom's side of the family that I hadn't seen in a long time and catch up with them. On top of that, like I said earlier it doubled as a birthday celebration for my cousin Betsy's little girl Josie. It was a good time and I had some really good fried chicken to boot. If I get some photos of it I'll post them somewhere.

 -  As you can tell, this entry is entitled "follow the leader." Even though I've seen obvious instances of this the past few months in different places, what I'm writing about today is not so obvious at first . Here, I'm actually referring to the state of the city of Columbus. On Tuesday there is a income tax hike on the ballot here in Columbus. It is a permanent .5% tax hike for income that affects anybody who works in the city, not just the residents but anybody who works here. For years, Mayor Mike Coleman and other city and community leaders have been proclaiming how stable our city's finances are and how great our services function (something pretty much every city does). However, in the past few months there has been a steady increase in cities proclaiming financial emergencies of their own. Suddenly, the city of Columbus looks like they're playing "follow the leader" here and starts claiming it's having financial difficulties too and put a tax hike on the ballot, using threats to police and fire jobs as well as other programs. Now, I know these are difficult times for everybody. I like Mike Coleman and I admire our city's leaders, but something here seems real fishy. First of all, it's a permanent tax, so that means that even when things get back on track financially the uptick stays. Second, the ballot initiative came about so quickly that it seems like more of a panic reaction and potentially a money grab. Third, half the people affected by this income tax hike can't even vote on it because they don't live in the city limits (I do, though). Fourth, Columbus hasn't had any real physical emergencies that would have quickly sapped city funds and put it in such a position overnight. Also, if this passes, who is to say that other communities in the area won't "follow the leader" here and try for income tax hikes themselves? I do support the city, but honestly I don't think I can vote in favor of the income tax hike...at least for this election cycle.

 -  Speaking of ballots, this Tuesday is Voting Day in a lot of other communities as well as Columbus. If you have ballot initiatives, levies, races, or issues to vote on, don't forget to put some investigation into what's on your particular ballot if you have one. In any case, don't forget to vote this Tuesday.

 -  As many of you know, I am transitioning into a new chapter once again in my life. In the past week or so I have had some really great conversations with friends, family and others, some of them serious and some lighthearted ones at Club Polaris, my family reunion, even in the parking lot of an empty strip mall. I haven't had this in a while, so I wanted to thank those of you I've talked to and spoke with because it's given me food for thought about where to go and what to do and is helping to keep my spirits up as I deal with the ups and downs I'm facing in this new chapter. Thanks for being there and offering your opinions and thoughts with me...I really appreciate it.

 -  Early last week, somebody sent me something that with a tinge of guilt had my laughing. It was a copy of a local ad from a guy who needed to hire a woman to pose as, and I quote here, a "friend who has an unreturned crush on [him]" to "act like [he's] the best thing ever." On top of that, this person actually wrote that there might be a bonus if this women mingles with other women and gets them to initiate conversations with him, because he's having trouble meeting women. I feel bad that this guy is having so much trouble attracting women and, I'm guessing, positive attention (hence the tinge of guilt) but the premise of what this guy is actually proposing just seems so ridiculous to me on many levels (hence the laughing). Maybe this is something that might work in Hollywood, but I don't think it's gonna work too well here. This looks like a thinly transparent ploy to either boost up or satisfy an ego, to be "the big man" or an "alpha male" so to speak, and to make him look so good that he can brag about himself or get whatever it is he's trying to get. That only works for so long until people actively see through the act and the deceit he creates through a potential discovery of his "casting call." From that point, people in general would likely look at him primarily as a poser, one capable of doing deceitful things that bring an aura of distrust about him and how he goes about things. This has the big potential to blow up in his face big time. I would recommend to this guy, if for some odd reason he ever comes across this blog and this blurb in particular, to grab a friend or two who can help you out that you don't have to pay since they would probably know you best and wnat to help you with your predicament. This "hiring a woman" idea will only lead to bad things in the long run.

 -  My church home: Crossroads World Christian Center.

 -  In less than two weeks the Cleveland Browns start their preseason schedule with a game against Green Bay. I invite fellow Browns fans to join me and my fellow Westerville Browns Backers in watching this game and future ones at our new home, Jimmy V's at the corner of State St. and College Ave. in uptown Westerville. Jimmy V's, a sports bar and grill, will officially open next Saturday, August 8th, and the first Browns preseason game with be the following Saturday at 8 PM. I am looking forward to the upcoming season as I always do and am hoping for the best yet again.

 -  Regarding Buckeye football...I'm not sure where I'm gonna watch it, whether it be at home or at a sports bar. I'm not really as excited about them this year yet as I am the Browns. I think the lack of excitement is due to the past few years of bowl losses getting to me a little bit, but Ohio State is my alma mater and I will support them regardless of what happens. I just hope things turn out good for them.

 -  Song on repeat: "Kissing A Fool" by George Michael. I like the jazz-type songs George Michael does and this particular song at time reflects what I've wanted to say to some women in the past. This time, though, it isn't about me. I have a couple of female friends that might want to listen to the words of this song because there are a couple of suitors out there for each of them (again, not me) whose general sentiments are reflected in the words of much of this song.

 -  SLP to the following: Pastor Cory, Ernest, Mindy, Anna, Patrick, Andrew, Aunts Susie, Sandy, and Claudia, Betsy, Josie (happy birthday), and the rest of my mom's side of the family, and those others I spoke to at the reunion.

That's it for this week. Lot's of stuff coming up for me on top of the job search, so I should have lots to blog about in the near future. Until I blog again...take care and God Bless.