Random Thoughts #51 - the "reconnection" edition

Greetings and welcome to yet another round of Random Thoughts from yours truly. I've got stuff I wanna get to, so let's get to it...shall we? Enjoy.

 -  I'm still waiting on photos to share from the reunion I went to a couple of weeks ago. It may be a while because many of the pic-takers are pretty busy people or they've got more important stuff to deal with right now. Once I get them I will post them somewhere accessible.

 -  In the past week or so, I've been contacted by and have talked to more people in the span of a week than I probably have in the two to three months prior. That's a lotta people. Some of them I haven't heard or seen in a long time and it was nice to hear from them if only briefly, hence the 'reconnection' subtitle this week.

 -  Yesterday evening was another reconnection of sorts with the first get-together of the Westerville Browns Backers for the kickoff of the 2009 Browns preseason. I'll be honest, the game went terribly for the Browns, harkening back to last season's stinker of an end....players will be running a lot of gassers this week. As far as the Backers go, we had a pretty good turnout at Jimmy V's with over 30 people showing up for a preseason game. Given that last season the group was nomadic, I think the members are happy (or going to be) that we have a permanent spot for the Backers now at Jimmy V's. On top of that, it looks like I'm gonna be vice-president of our Westerville chapter of Browns Backers so I'm excited about that (good news for a change!). If any Cleveland Browns fans in Westerville or surrounding areas are looking for a Backers group to join or just want to watch games with your fellow Dawgs, Jimmy V's is the place to be for them. If anybody wants more info on our Browns Backers group, give me a buzz.

 -  After messing around with an alpha version of the next version of Ubuntu Linux (Karmic Koala) and almost breaking my system and my sanity trying to make it work, I did a fresh install of the most recent stable version. It was just driving me nuts trying to get my computer to work with an incomplete and unstable OS, so I'm just going to wait until the next version is stable enough for me to use (I may have to get another video card sometime in the future). At least I have some stability back in my computer, though it might be a bit before I get everything the way I want it once again.

 -  When I've had time to kill, I've been playing the Facebook version of the sim game Yoville. It's a nice little time-waster for those moments when I'm bored and just don't want to leave my AC.

 -  I had an awful lot of looks and hits on my blog last week, probably due to me meeting various people involved in social media who seemed interested in checking out what I had to say and trying to get a feel on who I am and what I'm about. I hope I didn't disappoint.

 -  Song on repeat: "Edge of a Broken Heart" by Vixen. This was one of those songs where I heard only brief parts of the chorus last week and I just couldn't get it out of my head. It kept bouncing around like a ping-pong ball. At least it wasn't like Eric Cartman and "Come Sail Away"...lucky me.

 -  SLP for the following: Jenny, Scotty, Mike Lianez, Mike McDermott, Mick Merhle, Cheryl Harrison, Joe (happy birthday), Cara (happy b-day), my mother (again, happy birthday), my girl Cheryl, Mindy, Gandhi, Patrick, Andrew, and Jen.

I was pretty busy last week, so if you were able to catch me for a quick word you were one of the lucky ones...if not I'll try to get back to those of you who tried to contact me soon. Things are starting to pick up a bit and I've still got some stuff to do yet, so I'll be taking my leave. Until next time...take care and God Bless.