Random Thoughts #38 - the "headache zombie" edition

Hello and welcome to another set of random thoughts from yours truly. Summer is fast approaching, so I'd better get to it here. Enjoy.

 -  You're probably thinking to yourself..."headache zombie"? Well, it's because I've still been under the weather for yet another week. I've had trouble keeping a sleep schedule intact, feeling like a zombie in the process. On top of that, I've had a headache of some sort or another at different times this week. I've had different kinds of them to boot: tension headache, sinus headache, ice cream headache (from a REALLY cold drink, which I didn't think possible), thinking-too-much headache, confusion headache...I ran the gamut. There is hope because the weather itself will start to stabilize this week with 70's and sunshine, so hopefully in next week and the next few weeks I will NOT be talking about this being the case again.

 -  I don't know if it's because of me being under the weather or just that summer's coming, but I've been feeling restless of late. I think it has to to with being cooped up due to colder weather and it's finally starting to get up there in temperature, so I've been trying to get out of the apartment a bit more often that I had been doing. I just hope my restlessness doesn't affect me too much or bug too many people.

 -  The Cleveland Cavaliers have swept yet another team and will take on either the Orlando Magic or the Boston Celtics in the conference finals starting this week. Will they pull off another sweep?

 -  As you've probably noticed over the past week and a half, I've been promoting a new site here. It's a new web site and social network for my crew and the people we hang out with in the club scene, with the crew now 'officially' called the OC Dancers at ocdancers.webs.com. We have several people already on the site and it has been used a lot by many of us on there. Kevin and I have been working on the content and layout of the site and will continue to do so. We set it up so that we'd have our own place online to bring together those people from the club scene and those others who hang out with us as well as some of the businesses we patronize and places we go to. We've got a nice community set up so far, not just focused on the clubs but on other goings-on like the NBA playoffs, potential travel destinations like the Smoky Mountains and Orlando, and public events like the recent Race for the Cure. If you haven't been there yet, go check it out. I'm pretty sure you will want to join our site once you're there...you definitely don't want to be left out.

 -  Even though I will be on the OC Dancers site a lot (as a member and a moderator), I don't expect any changes to happen regarding my other social networks. I will still be frequenting Myspace and Facebook as regularly as I do now and will continue to do my Random Thoughts blogs here on Myspace...it's just so convenient!

 -  A nitpick I have about Myspace: I understand that Myspace does not want "phishing" from or for it's site. I can even understand why they block free web hosting sites because of the potential of some to be phishing sites. However, the generic message they use when blocking access is pretty insulting, inferring all free sites are phishing sites out to ruin the Myspace experience. Well, our OC Dancer site isn't a phishing site and many others (possibly counting in the millions) aren't either. They could easily explain that they don't link to many free site because of this without having to insult the many of us with legitimate sites. My main sticking point here is that they could be more professional and less condescending when dealing with this stuff.

 -  It figures: as soon as MadTV finally got a really talented cast, Fox up and cancels the show (though it might show up elsewhere...crossing fingers here). If it doesn't come back, I will miss catching up with the show on Hulu (I'm out on Saturday nights, obviously). I also hope that the cast gets good work elsewhere if it doesn't come back.

 -  Speaking of comedy sketch shows, they aired the season finale of SNL last night. I caught the Celebrity Jeopardy skit from last night online and I suggest everybody here watch it when they get the chance...it is hilarious! You can probably find it somewhere...just Google it if it comes to that, but watch it.

 -  Promoting my church here: Crossroads World Christian Center - http://www.crossroadswcc.org

 -  BTW, for those of you unemployed and underemployed, there's a job fair at the Easton Hilton on Tuesday starting around noon. Just thought I'd put it out there.

 -  Song on repeat: a remix of "Icebox" by Omarion featuring Usher. Sometimes I find certain remixes of songs to be superior to the original versions and for me this remix does just that. I'll try to get it up soon on my profile player, but it may take a while to find.

 -  SLP for the following: Kevin, Tommy D, Shane, Holly, Mike Lianez (happy birthday), Ernest, and Patrick J.

I know this was probably a shorter Random Thoughts than usual, but over the summer months they may be a bit shorter...but then again depending on my activities they could be longer too...I don't know what to expect just yet. Anyway, again go check out the OC Dancer site. Also, since I'm getting more active now, I hope to see more of you when I'm out, so until then or next time. Take care and God Bless.