Random Thoughts #37 - the "almost forgotten" edition

Greetings all and welcome to another edition of Random Thoughts. I'm actually a bit tired right now so thoughts may be more random and possibly shorter than usual, and with that, let's get to 'em. Enjoy.

 -  Before I really get going, I want to wish a happy Mother's Day to all mothers out there. Being one can be a tough job and I'm definitely grateful for mine.

 -  Dom DeLuise passed away last Tuesday. He was a great comedian. I especially liked him when he was paired with Burt Reynolds. I thought they had some of the best timing and dialogue of any comedic team, and that's what they were...a team. He will be greatly missed.

 -  Why do I call this the "almost forgotten" edition? Well, I almost forgot to do something last week that's pretty important. I almost forgot to vote...almost. It's easy to remember when there's a big time election, usually every November that falls on an even number (08, 10, 12, etc.). It's those other times where there is no real advertising when it's more likely to be missed by the majority of voters, and even if people do remember to vote sometimes they don't exactly know what they are voting for. Many issues that affect us greatly sometimes happen during these particular elections like levys, bond issues, special candidate elections, and primaries. Sometimes it's done on purpose by some politicians, to try and slip things through without people really noticing and take advantage of people not knowing what's going on. I know I've missed my share of these interim elections and I'm glad the only thing I had to vote on this time was a parks levy I did know about. It's extremely important to keep our vigilance and keep our eyes out for any potentially upcoming election, especially so we don't get taken advantage of. In Ohio, these elections usually occur every three months (I'm not so sure about other states) so stay aware.

 -  I'm still on my sabbatical from my church, Crossroads (www.crossroadswcc.org). However, it is currently going through an extremely rough patch. There has been some havoc caused by a dismissed associate pastor that is threatening the church and it needs a lot of help right now as a result. If anyone wants to help, make a donation, or give prayers, please go to the church website and see what you can do. Normally I wouldn't even bring up church-type business to the public, but I feel the truth needed to be revealed in order to get across why the help is really needed. Again, the website address is "www.crossroadswcc.org". The church will be grateful for any support it can get in this difficult time.

 -  I have been under the weather for the past week (stupid cold), I've been very cranky, and I have had trouble sleeping, or at least getting a good amount of sleep. I've been keeping my distance from people and not updated things here as much because of this and also have missed out on some things this week, so apologies to anyone affected by it. I hope things improve this week...like me getting more sleep. I hate when this happens.

 -  Even though I'm going though the "cold" and "cranky" stuff, I did manage to get out last night. I went out to the OC first and got a bit restless, so I took off. I intercepted one of my friends and we headed off to a new club called Club Polaris near the Polaris Mall. The people there were pretty friendly and welcoming and even though I didn't do much dancing, I had a pretty decent time.

 -  Speaking of the clubs, there is a new social networking and web site for my and the crew I run with, which is now called the OC Dancers. It's going to be our "official" site, so go check it out by copying and pasting the following address in the address bar: http://www.ocdancers.webs.com. If you want to find about us, our history, other clubs and upcoming events, and/or why we're called the "OC Dancers" in the first place, go check out the site. You can even become a member there if you want.

 -  Before I went out last night, I caught the broadcast of the White House Correspondent's Dinner. It is a celebration of those who cover politics and the White House in general. It is also a roast of sorts with two speakers, the President and a keynote speaker, usually a comedian. Last night was really interesting. President Obama was on his game last night with his comedic tone and remarks. He was really funny. Wanda Sykes followed, and she said some things that some thought may have gone too far. I thought she was hilarious and didn't go far enough. She was speaking some truth in her remarks and I'm not surprised some may take it harshly because of that. It was fun to watch, to say the least.

 -  I feel like singing: I'm cranky....SOOOO cranky.....

 -  Song on repeat: "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel. The song was featured in the 80's classic movie "Say Anything" which aired a couple times last week, getting me in the mood to want to hear this song. One of my favorite romantic tunes.

 -  SLP to the following: Pastor Cory, Sonya (on Facebook...happy birthday!), Renee (Facebook), Shane D (Happy B-day), Jessica (from the OC), Patrick J, Kevin, Jay, Harry, Curtiss (sorry I missed your calls, bud), Walt, and Tommy D.

That's it for this week. I've been off my rocker this week and out of my zone, so if I forgot anybody or anything, I apologize...stupid cold. Anyway, everybody have a good upcoming week and pray for a speedy recovery on my part cuz there's good weather coming and I don't want to miss it. Take care and God Bless.