Random Thoughts #36 - the "fifty" edition

Welcome back for yet another set of random thoughts. I'm trying to think of a witty line to start this off with here, but it's not coming to me right now. So before I go nuts trying to think too hard, let's get to the thoughts. Enjoy.

 -  Why did I name this the "50" edition? Well, this is the 50th Myspace blog post (not the 50th Random Thoughts though) and recently I crossed the 1,000th blog view threshold here on Myspace. Along with the hundreds of profile views I've been getting, I thought some type of anniversary (even as much of a stretch as this milestone might be to do so) would be a good time for me to again thank everybody for reading.

 -  I went to the O.C. last night and it was up and down for the most part. It was still better than the previous weekend with the weirdo on the dance floor scaring people out of the club. I didn't go out to any other clubs because I just wasn't feeling it this week.

 -  Speaking of other dance clubs, a friend of mine is trying to find a place other than Screaming Willies here in Columbus that caters to the 18-and-over crowd (as opposed to just 21 and over) to celebrate the birthday of one of their family members near the end of this month. I didn't know where there were any (I usually look for 21 and over places), but if anybody here knows of any 18-and-over clubs in or near Columbus let me know so I can pass the information to them.

 -  I don't talk much about high school stuff here, but I do want to talk about one of my teachers. His name is Frank Chaff and he was one of the most beloved teachers at Tallmadge High School...one of the coolest I ever knew. He taught drama at the school and both my sister and I were in one of his classes at some point. He was also in charge of the plays and productions at the school. He is retiring after this school year and has just directed his last production as a teacher in the district, the final performance being last night (unfortunately I missed it). Something a lot of people in my town probably didn't know was that he is one of my mom and dad's oldest friends. They've known him for Lord knows how long...longer than me or my siblings have been alive, at least. Anybody who attended Tallmadge High in the past few decades either knew or had a class with Mr. Chaff, and all of us knew the dedication and graciousness he showed to all of his students. He deserves all the kudos and appreciation he can get and deserves to have. To that end, there is a movement to have something named in his honor, for what he's done for the thousands of us he's taught. The most brought-up idea I've heard was to name the auditorium at the new high school after him...I believe this would probably be the best way to honor him and others probably think this too. If this happens, I only ask one thing: do not...I repeat, DO NOT...in any way, shape, or form name it the "Femo Wesap Theatre" (those of us who know Mr. Chaff know what this means)...it may sound funny, but it's probably not appropriate...at least as a formal name.

 -  Chocolate chip cookies taste very good....I prefer the Soft Batch variety, but I like 'em in general.

 -  A general note: if you think they are coming down with the flu and the symptoms seem off from or more intense than a normal one, go get yourself checked out. This stupid swine flu (now officially named H1N1) is causing a lot of panic and worry and even though it seems to be coming down as less of a pandemic (as of this time...it still might break differently), it's worth going to a doctor just in case, for peace of mind if nothing else.

 -  U.S. Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania is now part of the Democratic Party and will be running as a Dem in the next senatorial election cycle next year. With the Dems in charge and the national Republican Party not having anything other than obstructionism and outdated, crazy-ass ideologically-limited ideas and platforms to work from, his defection may not be the last.

 -  I'm not sure I'm gonna make this a habit or not on here, but I'm thinking of weekly cycling my default pic. Last week I put up my Deadpool "I'm With Stupid" pic and now I have up one of my dressed-up ones. I haven't decided if I'm gonna really do this or not, but it's something I'm considering.

 -  The Cleveland Cavaliers start their second round series this week in the NBA playoffs, the fourth straight year they've reached this point. The ultimate goal is the championship, but it's still one step...one series....at a time.

 -  Song on repeat: "What Have I Done To Deserve This" by the Pet Shop Boys and Dusty Springfield. I just like the song. It's nice and a bit relaxing.

 -  SLP to the following: Holly, Dave, Cheryl, Donielle (from Facebook...Happy Birthday), my old neighbor Heather (from Facebook), Kevin, Ernest, Jay, Marcus, Andy, Griff, Tommy D, my sister Kate (Happy Birthday), and of course my old drama teacher Mr. Frank Chaff (congratulations on your retirement...and surviving Tallmadge High for so long).

It's been surreal, but I must be going now. I'm anxiously looking forward to upcoming things in the near and far future, including writing another fifty blogs and beyond. So until next time, folks...take care and God Bless.