Random Thoughts #35 - the "draft" edition

Hello and welcome to a somewhat later-than-usual version of Random Thoughts. I was out all day and just got back in time to share my random thoughts with you, so with that in mind, let's get to it. Enjoy.

 -  I've been enjoying the weather over the past few days...sun and 80's. I even had to put on sunscreen for a friend's cookout I went to today. It's real nice to not have to worry about wearing a jacket out even at night.

 -  I used to make fun of the game Sudoku, but after playing a computer version of it I now understand why it can be so addicting. Doing the easy or even mid-level versions get boring after a while, so I usually looked for the most difficult versions of it because I like to be challenged "just a bit" like I did with Spider Solitaire when I had Windows.

 -  Playoff updates: the Columbus Blue Jackets got swept out of the NHL playoffs while the Cleveland Cavaliers eliminated the Detroit Pistons from the NBA playoffs with a sweep themselves. The brooms are getting some use here in Ohio.

 -  The NFL Draft has come and gone and the Browns had an active one. They traded down from the #5 overall position (which also landed them three other players from the NY Jets as well as a second rounder) and though a couple more trades took center Alex Mack with the #21 pick. They also took a couple of receivers and a defensive tackle/linebacker in the second round. Despite what I have heard from some I know (most on message boards), I believe they did a good job with the draft but ultimately we won't know how well (or bad) until we see how or if the players the Browns received contribute to the next season and beyond. As always, I am hopeful.

 -  Quick question: how come the last two big stories from Akron that hit the national or state media involved something with strippers? Just curious about that...

 -  The club scene has been mixed for me. I've been to both the O.C. and Screaming Wille's in the past couple weeks. Last week I was bored and a bit put off at the O.C. because of some freaky dancing people who scared everybody including me off the floor for most of the night (some of the dancing was just downright blushing-red embarassing) and S.W. had no crowd (though I did hang out with a couple friends there). The week before both places were great and really enjoyable. I just hope that this week is better, if for the fact that we now have warmer weather to enjoy.

 -  I have been using Linux for around three months now and I now feel like I've got a good handle on it for now, or at least what I want or need from it. I'm using Ubuntu Linux and they just released a new version of its operating system a few days ago, and so far the big thing I noticed was the big decrease in boot-up time. It used to take about three to five minutes to load in and now it takes about a minute or less....major improvement IMHO. I'm still looking for various software programs for it, mainly games I might like to play, but I pretty much have everything I need for now, which is nice. Honestly, I tried a beta version of Windows 7 and liked it too, but I'm gonna stick with what I got, especially since it took me so long to get it almost exactly the way I want it.

 -  Every fourth Friday of the month, the city of Westerville has a festival that is called, appropriately, "Westerville Fourth Fridays." From 6 to 9 PM on these nights, they open up some of the businesses past their normal hours (antique shops, restaurants, local stores, etc.) as well as have individuals and groups set up sales tables and displays around downtown Westerville to promote the area and, of course, boost traffic and local business. If you are looking for something to do for a couple hours or so, want to find stuff and knick-knacks, or just walk around by yourself, with your significant other, your friends, your families, or all of the above, this is something to consider for at least one night near the end of each of the next few months until October. I caught the tail end of the one last Friday and might go to one or a few in the near future and thought some of you might be interested in something like this too, if just to have something to do.

 -  Regarding the two unrevealed things I've been alluding to for a while now...I've finally made a breakthrough on that front in a discovery of how they were related to one particular thing I never more than lightly regarded as problematic for me until recently. Current things and activities are not and will not be affected by this (I'm fortunate in that regard), but due to the nature of what I've discovered...it's now just gonna be called "the issue" from now on, for my purposes...I will definitely not be revealing much about it until I've got a damn good handle on it, and I mean a damn good handle. I may put things here about the issue every once in a while, but like I said before I'm putting it here to keep me on track and not necessarily for everybody else. Again, if I need help here (and I might with what I am now facing), I will ask for it but only when I'm ready to do so and I'm comfortable doing so, no sooner than that.

 -  In a sad note, Bea Arthur passed away on Saturday. For those of you familiar with the comic book character Deadpool (one of my two favorites), this guy had a thing for Bea Arthur, seemingly carrying a torch for the comedienne....don't ask me why because Deadpool's not all there in the first place, but she was mentioned several times throughout the character's history. He's probably very sad right now...or he's going ape...or preparing a send-off Deadpool-style...I don't know, he's a fictional character for crying out loud. In any case, she and her comedic stylings will be missed.

 -  Song on repeat: "I'll Still Be Loving You" by Restless Heart. I know, another country song but one on the adult contemporary side of things so more than likely there will be no apocalypse coming because of that. I hadn't heard the song for a long time until recently and is another romantic song I like (I can't help it...I'm a romantic).

 -  SLP of the blog: Jay, Sonya (from Facebook), Holly, Donielle (also from Facebook...I hope things improve and my prayers help), Kevin, Kristin, Griff, Syco, Harry, Shane, Tommy D, Cheryl, Daryl, and James.

I wish I had more to say, but alas I must wait until next time when I have more to say...at least I hope I have more to say. If not, I'll make up something, maybe get creative again. Here's to good things coming, so until next time, folks. Take care and God Bless.