Random Thoughts #39 - the "memorial" edition

Hello and welcome to another fun-filled edition of Random Thoughts. As I risk typing this up here during a thunderstorm, I remind myself that maybe I shouldn't be doing this during a thunderstorm. I'm doing it anyway, so let's get to it. Enjoy.

 -  This is Memorial Day weekend, so obviously (or maybe it's not that obvious) this is the 'memorial' edition. Memorial Day for me historically has been up and down...and when it was down, it was way down. My freshman year of college I was terrorized and stalked by a couple of guys who did it just for kicks...at one point I had to use a bat to fight them off (I still have that bat, a nice old wooden Louisville slugger). A few years ago I knocked off the driver-side rear-view mirror on my car (still haven't really fixed that). Twice in previous years I had other car-related occurrences, one an accident and one flat tire...not in my car, thankfully, and I wasn't driving, but they were inconvenient nonetheless. This holiday hasn't been all that great to me, but it hasn't been all bad. This year hasn't been too bad so far and I even got good news out of it. I'm going to a cookout tomorrow, so more good stuff there.

 -  Honestly, the only real bump in the road this Memorial Day weekend for me was the club scene last night. It was dead. The only saving grace from last night was being around my friends and associates. I felt bad for Patrick and Tommy D for having to deal with people apparently taking the Memorial Day weekend off from the clubs. Maybe I should have followed my friends Griff and Cara's lead and took off for home (you both had the right idea), because there definitely wasn't much going on at the places I hang out at. I hope it picks up this summer. I don't know what I'm going to do next weekend just yet because a lot of my friends will be out of town, so I'm open to suggestions (ones that I hope won't cost too much).

 -  Last Friday night I went to Westerville 4th Friday, and boy was uptown Westerville packed. It took me a half and hour just to find a parking spot. Once I was there, I found a stand set up for the Westerville Browns Backers so I helped out there instead of walking around aimlessly. We were extremely busy at the table talking to a lot of interested people. We even had to make a run for more info because we ran out early at the table...despite the overall record of the Browns and last season's debacle of a coaching staff, it seems there are a ton of Browns fans in the area and they were excited to see us.

 -  Speaking of the Backers, our Westerville chapter now has a new place to call home...and in the city of Westerville to boot. We will be watching all the games and meeting up at Jimmy V's at the corner of State St. and College St. in uptown Westerville. It is a new spot that will be opening up within the next couple of weeks, but it is part of a chain that has several locations in central Ohio already so it's probably here to stay. If anybody is interested in joining up, give me a buzz or go to our website www.westervillebrownsbackers.weebly.com to find out more.

 -  On Saturday I went sailing for the first time in my life. It's also the first time in years that I'd been on a boat of any type. It was more of a ride in a sailboat, but I did do some things and learned what it would take to be a sailor, so to speak. It was relaxing and I had fun. If I come across any future sailing or general boat ride events in the future I'm probably going to jump at them, especially if they are free or cheap....and especially if I can score a date in the process.

 -  We've had the OC Dancer site up for a while now. It has definitely been busy there, gathering a few new members and updating the look and content on the site. Not only do we cover the club scene but some of the activities around Columbus and traveling excursions that some of the members want to take as a group. One such trip is happening next weekend to the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee, and there are other planned. On the calendar, upcoming local events such as Comfest, Red White & Boom, and the Dublin Irish Festival along with others have been added, with more being added and updated regularly. We take our site seriously and we approach it as a place for all of us and those who want to be in the know not just to 'want' to go to, but potentially will be a place you will 'need' to go to online to hang out at and get the latest on what's going on, especially with us. If you haven't joined up yet or checked it out, you can do so at ocdancers.webs.com.

 -  Here's a question for you to contemplate and obsess over: how come you have to drive on a parkway and park in a driveway?

 -  What's in a name? That's a question that many people ask for different reasons. A woman from my high school graduating class changed her last name back to her maiden surname recently, and it got me to thinking about that question. As many of you know, I changed my name to DJ right before I started OSU way back in 1991. For me, it wasn't just about what I wanted people to call me. It was about changes in perception, in how others saw me and how I see myself. It also represents a view of not just who I am but who I aim to be ideally as a social being and as a man. Basically, when it comes down to it, I am DJ...that's who I am, that's who I've been and that's who I will be. There are people who have called me other names, sometimes my legal name but others too, and a couple people now and then who refuse to recognize me as who I am because they want to see me as something else altogether (don't ask me why because I don't know why). I'll tell you...if these particular people choose or chose to continue calling me something other than who I am, then they need a reality check in that they are not respecting who I am as a person and the fact that I cannot and will not respect those who would willfully call me something I'm not. Now, though I sound standoffish about the name thing, it's not me alone who has dealt with stuff like this. The big reason I'm putting this blurb here is that I know of many, many other people in this scenario who do the name change thing, so I speak of them today. This includes many celebrities and even many I know. Heck, two people in my crew are generally known by completely different names than their legal ones. This is a rather common phenomenon and a concept I thought might need to be brought more into the light than it has been.

 -  Regarding the Cavs..."The Shot". That's all I need say. Or rather, that's all I want to say right now.

 -  Recently I've been a bit nostalgic....not much but a little bit. Recently I took a look at a lot of the old files that are on my computer, mainly pics, documents, and old website stuff. It amazes me to see how far I've come since each instance I had a website put up, or a picture taken, or a personal writing I created just to get something out of my head. Some things seem surreal compared to the present, that I had actually gone through certain trials and actually got through things that now seem less important than they were to me at the time. It was interesting going through the stuff on my computer, to say the least.

 -  Song on repeat: "Name" by the Goo Goo Dolls. In talking about name changing, I thought it would be appropriate for this week.

 -  SLP to the following: my aunt Claudia (on Facebook), Holly, Kristen, my brother Chris (happy birthday, bro), Ernest, Jay, Heather, Kevin, Griff, Cara, Tommy D, and Patrick J.

In the words of Porky Pig, that's all, folks. Ths thunderstorm looks to have passed for now, so it looks like I'll be doing more blogs in the future. Yay for me. Anyway, I hope you all have a good holiday and I'll blog more soon. Take care and God Bless.