Random Thoughts #33 - the "37th birthday" edition

Greetings and salutations. Welcome to another set of Random Thoughts from yours truly. Time for me to get to work here:

 -  Today is Easter, so I want to wish everybody a Happy Easter and hope you're enjoying the bunnies.

 -  As a lot of you know, I had a birthday this past week. I am now 37 years old...that's right, one more year closer to Social Security. Anyway, I have to admit this was the best birthday celebration in a very long time, possibly ever. It started on my actual b-day on Thursday. I did my annual b-day tradition of having a pizza at Pizza Hut for dinner. Later on that evening I went out to Screaming Willie's. It was the first club outside of the O.C. I've been to in a LOOOOONG time. It wasn't even close to crowded, but I still had a wild time, to say the least. I was "volunteered" to be a judge in a 'hot body' contest (even with the small crowd there were actually a lot of entries...I put that on the bad economic picture). My friends and the deejays were on the side or on the floor cracking on me as I had to help 'judge' who was going to win this contest. I did have fun though. Yesterday (Saturday) I had the birthday cookout. It was a bit cool outside but it was sunny. It was a pretty nice size cookout of about twenty people and and plenty of food. My parents and brother even came down from Akron for this. I know some of you had reasons you couldn't make it, but an awful lot of you that could have come missed out on a great time. Later in the night, we continued the celebration at the O.C., where we continued to have a good time. I have to admit, I was somewhat tired from all I had done for my b-day already in the week but I still got down with my bad self and had some fun, even dancing with several females. It was a long but satisfying birthday experience.

 -  I can't thank everybody enough who celebrated with me and especially those who helped out with the b-day events. It meant an awful lot to me, and even though I can't really speak for my compatriot Kevin (I think that's his wife's job), I'm pretty sure it meant a lot to him too. Tentatively I would like to do this type of celebration again next April, weather permitting, and along with the people who were here for this year's events, hopefully more people will join us for the next one.

 -  After everything that's gone on these past few days, I am exhausted. Aside from the stuff I need to take care of, I'm gonna get as much rest as I can over the next few days. Speaking of tiredness and rest, there is one little thing I want to address (some of you already know this...this is for everybody else). On Saturday mornings, please do not call me or wake me up before noon or early afternoon. It's my day to actually sleep in and get some rest before I do stuff later that day and evening (the club, usually). Unless it is an absolute, absolute, ABSOLUTE emergency or mitigating circumstance or you are my girlfriend or wife (of which I have neither at this time), don't try to get me up on Saturday mornings, especially for trivial or already settled matters. I had an issue with somebody yesterday over this even though they were already told by others beforehand not to wake me that early, so I thought I'd better make this clear.

 -  Over the past month I have had hundreds of visitors to my profile, and I don't think it actually had much to do with the birthday stuff. It could be that I'm all about the hotness (yeah...right!), but it is a phenomenon I've noticed recently. Now only if these visitors read my blogs a bit more often...

 -  Speaking of my profile, you've probably noticed I've made some changes in the layout and content on it. I have added an app for a cause I believe in: suicide prevention. There is a personal experience behind it but I will get to that in a future blog entry, maybe even the next one (there's a tease for ya).

 -  Congratulations to the Columbus Blue Jackets on getting into the NHL playoffs. Before this accomplishment, they were the only active team not to get a playoff berth, so this is historic.

 -  Tomorrow night, WWE is holding it's annual draft to shake up its brands and the overall wrestling product. It starts at 8 PM on the USA network, so for you wrestling fans, don't miss it.

 -  Song on repeat: "In Da Club" by 50 Cent. It references birthdays, so I thought this would be appropriate.

 -  SLP of the blog (it's a long one folks): my family; Vanessa, Paula, and cousin Scotty from Facebook; Jay, Kevin, Kristin, Stan, Ernest, Dave and Tabitha, Griff, Cara, Holly, Al & Maggie (Mr. & Miss FINODI), Jack (DJ Legend), Tommy D, DJ Shane, Syco Bill, Cheryl, Daryl, LaDonna (for the aforementioned app on my profile), and the females who either came to the cookout or danced with me at the clubs who for the life of me I can't remember your names (don't be offended....I'm bad with remembering names, so I apologize for that).

I've had a blast of a birthday and now I'm off to some rest and relaxation. I hope everybody is having a good holiday and I will get back with a new blog entry next time. Until then....take care and God Bless.