Random Thoughts #32 - the "oh geez" edition

Hello and welcome to yet another set of Random Thoughts. It's been sort of a weird week for me and I've been anxious to blog a bit about it, so let's get to it, shall we:

 -  First things first, I've reposted the bulletin about the cookout and the birthdays. Take a look at your bulletin space for all the details on what's happening later this week. For people not on Myspace (i.e. Facebook, the general Internet, etc.), contact me personally and I'll get you the details.

 -  I'll be honest...last night at the club was weird for me. First off, some guy came up to me trying to set up a bet regarding whether me or this other guy was the "better" dancer. I obviously declined it, since I dance generally for myself and to be social...not to be someone else's monkey or prove something. Also, there must have been something in the air last night because there were several fights at the club last night...two of them took place near the bar and most of them occurred when rock or techno music was playing (meaning it wasn't the fault of the music or the deejay). It's been relatively peaceful there, so I am hoping this was an abberation...I'm having a b-day celebration next week and I don't want it spoiled by something like this. In spite of all that, after a couple weeks of anxiety showing at the club, I actually felt sorta relaxed, almost back to my usual club self (the reason for "almost" being my disdain for the fighting).

 -  The reason for the "oh geez" title for this blog was inspired from the fighting I saw at the club last night. It looked like all these fights started because either somebody accidently bumped someone else or someone "looked at them funny," if you know what I mean. It sounds silly to me and probably a lot of you that these would be actual reasons to start a brawl...shoot, it feels silly just typing it here. Unfortunately, that is exactly what happens in these cases. My theory is that there is a lot of "mind-reading" going on, where someone believes they actually have an idea what someone else is thinking simply from being looked at or bumped. The fact is, people are just not capable of actually knowing what others think no matter how much some insist otherwise...we'd all be telepaths or X-Men if we were capable of that. These people usually try to read others' reactions and ultimately many make mistakes on what they actually read, which then starts the process of stirring up trouble in general. I surmise a lot of this is due to trouble with either personal boundaries, a sense of entitlement, personal ego, insecurity issues, erroneously projecting thoughts onto others, a lot of alcohol, or a combination of any or all of these. My solution would be to sit these people down or pull them aside, tell them they suck at mind-reading and stop being a fool, because that's what they're doing...being foolish (it might be hard to do it when they're drunk...do it when they sober up). It's embarassing to be around people like this because it only ends bad for everybody all around. Unfortunately, it'll probably still happen...oh well.

 -  After a lot of anxiety (especially over auto and financial related stuff) and some depression the past couple of weeks, as of yesterday I am finally starting to relax and feel like myself again. A lot of little things and stuff I couldn't control contributed to this, and now that a lot of it has passed I can start moving on and getting to the things I need to take care of....like myself.

 -  As you can tell by the timing of this entry, I am not watching Wrestlemania this year. I'll get the results later but honestly I was just not up for it this year and with a couple of exceptions the overall card did not inspire me to want to watch it. I did watch the Hall of Fame ceremony yesterday (online and on TV) and that was enjoyable...I was especially loving with the induction of Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, who was a major factor in me becoming hooked on pro wrestling when I was a teenager.

 -  I've done some "online spring cleaning" of my Myspace. If you haven't noticed already, I dropped a significant number of people from my friends list over the weekend. Those I dropped were either people who I really didn't know whatsoever or celebrities or organizations I no longer keep track of. In other words, if I know you, you weren't and won't be dropped. There are some people who "collect friends" for their vanity or egos...I'm not one of 'em. BTW, I've been on Myspace for a couple years now, so it was probably time to do some spring cleaning.

 -  I've upgraded my Linux OS and in doing so finally got my computer to boot up the way I want it too. It took me a while to get that going, but I'm happy I got that taken care of.

 -  A quote I found perusing Myspace: It is better to love people and use things than to love things and use people.

 -  Can you believe it's gonna get cold again? At least it's only for a couple days and then it'll be back to warmer weather, just in time for my birthday :)

 -  Song on repeat: "How Soon Is Now" by Love Spit Love. This is a cover of a song originally produced in the 80's (I don't know who originally did it) and was used as the theme song for the TV show "Charmed". If I had a euphemism to describe this particular song, it would be "hauntingly relaxing"....don't know why, it just seems appropriate.

 -  SLP to the following: Cheryl, Holly & Heather, Kevin, Kristin, Stan, FINODI, Griff, Daryl, Jay, Vanessa and Liz (from Facebook).

Next week is gonna be a big week for me...I'm turning 37 (OMG...I'm getting OLD!!! AUUUUUUUUGH!!!!). I hope my birthday this year is enjoyable...I am crossing my fingers and knocking on wood just in case. Until next time, people. Take care and God Bless.