Random Thoughts #10 - the "OMG I can see again!" edition

I really don't have a witty line to start this off with tonight, so here I go again with another set of random thoughts. Enjoy.

 -  Until today, I was having trouble seeing things....literally speaking. On Sunday evening during church, I got a sharp pain in one of my eyes. I got home (somehow) and looked in the mirror and saw both eyes turning really red, almost bloodshot. On Monday I was having blurry vision and was having trouble seeing straight at times. On top of that, I caught a 72 hour bug, so I was dealing with that as well. Though there were bouts of clearness at times, I was mostly dealing with blurry vision and red eyes. Today is the first day I felt decent. I can see pretty clearly again, the redness is gone, and I got over the bug. I don't think it's a coincidence the eye problems and the bug hit at the same time...it's winterization time for me and I hope this was the worst of it. Here's to hoping.

 -  I'm glad I'm getting over this stuff because I have a busy and big weekend coming up. The Buckeyes are playing a tough team in Penn State, so I will be watching most of that. I am going out to the OC on Saturday night and hopefully see an old friend as well as the friends, regulars, and acquaintances I see there normally. Sunday the Browns play and I'll be at Gameworks with the Browns Backers (win or lose the Browns are my team). Also on Sunday I've got church (1084 Brentnell Ave @ 7:30 PM if you want to come; go to www.crossroadswcc.org for more details), though I might be a bit late getting there because of the game.

 -  I'm glad I can actually see again.

 -  Halloween is coming up. If you want a scary outfit this year, dress up as Karl Rove, Michelle Bachmann, or some other far right-winger. They try to scare everybody (and on purpose to boot).

 -  Oh, before I forget...it is Halloween week so....BOO!

 -  I think the next time I grow facial hair out and shave it, I'll take some pics in various states of facial hairness (goatee, stubble, sideburns...the works)...of course since I shave my head it will look funny. Silliness galore!!!

 -  Song on repeat this week: "Sunrise" by Simply Red (using the song I Can't Go For That from Hall and Oates as its background).

Before I go, I just want to remind people that you may see more strange things this upcoming week. People dressed up, acting weird, having strange looks on their faces, spewing rhythmic bile and tales of great fear and dread...but enough about McCain/Palin surrogates on the stump, enjoy Halloween week, my friends (bwa-ha-ha-HA!). Take care and God Bless.