Random Thoughts #59 - the "moving" edition

Hello and welcome to my latest set of Random Thoughts.  Autumn is in full swing and so am I, so let's get to it, shall we?  Enjoy.

 -  I have an announcement to make regarding me and Myspace.  Within the next week or two, I will be completely shutting down my Myspace account.  I have been using Facebook and will use it pretty much exclusively from now on as my primary social network.  Quite frankly, Myspace has gotten to the point where it's slowed to a crawl for me and subsequently I don't use it that much anymore.  I've actually been copying my Random Thoughts blogs from a Blogger account I set up a few months ago.  With the lack of activity there and some of the hassles that Myspace has been creating (especially with linking to other sites), I've decided this was the time to make the move from Myspace to Facebook, hence the "moving" edition.  I've had an interesting two and a half year run on Myspace, but it's time for me to move on.  As a result, this will be the last blog entry I'll be posting on Myspace.  Like I said before, I do have a Blogger account set up at http://djsrandomthoughts.com and from now on will be posting there with links to the individual editions of my Random Thoughts on Facebook whenever I blog, which I've been doing for a while now.  I've already linked up with a lot of people from Myspace on Facebook already (all of you will be acknowledged in SLP later on), so the majority of the moving is actually done.  I've still got about three pending friend requests on Facebook, but there's still about four or five people I haven't been able to account for just yet from Myspace...this is the reason I'm keeping the Myspace account open for another week or so...long enough for those folks to hit me up on Facebook if they have accounts there.

 -  Quick note:  I have been having some computer issues related to my power supply.  When I get some extra cash I'll replace it, but there may be times I'm limited online.  If there's any major disruptions for me, I'll announce them on Facebook.

 -  This was a rough weekend for the teams I support.  The Buckeyes didn't look like they came to play yesterday and it showed with a loss.  My comments about Terrelle Pryor from the last blog were really applicable to the Purdue game.  My Browns today....well, even though they lost, they showed up to play and looked improved in the game against the Steelers.  They still have a lot of work to do, but they have something to work with.  The referees did a horrible job today, blowing a bunch of calls on both teams and making the game more frustrating than it probably should have been.

 -  I watched WWE Raw last week and both Nancy O'Dell and Maria Menunos seemed to fit into the broadcast as guest hosts.  They did an excellent job and were probably the most natural of any of the guest hosts so far.  Don't be surprised to see them back in that role sometime in the future.

 -  I read recently that both the Powerball and Mega Millions will be available in all of the states each one serves.  Both agreed to a cross-selling agreement starting sometime next year where both games will be played in any state that wants to do both.  This will probably lead to some type of national lottery in the future if they ever decide to merge.  I don't know if Ohio will be part of the Powerball lottery (it's up to individual states whether or not to participate in the program), but with the casino initialtive on the ballot in November, Ohio seems to be getting swept up in gambling fever.

 -  A small thing that perked me up:  early last week I noticed something missing from one of my Firefox extensions that I had disabled and tried to re-enable.  I wrote to the developer about it and later on that day I got a response AND an update that included the missing item, which then got posted to the official Firefox extension site a day or so later.  It made me feel good that even on something that in the bigger picture may not have a grand significance, my concern was addressed and swiftly dealt with...makes me feel good I had a positive impact on something.

 -  A plug for my church:  Crossroads World Christian Center.

 -  Saturday was apparently Sweetest Day.  I didn't pay that much attention to it until some people said something about it on Facebook.  Frankly, I never got why there was a Sweetest Day.  Valentine's Day pretty much serves the same purpose, so why have another holiday?  Apparently it's been around since the 1920's but to me this just seems like a scheme by the greeting card companies to inflate their bottom line and move some product.  This is something I just don't get as to why it exists...oh well.

 -  Song on repeat:  "Movin' Out" by Billy Joel.  Pretty descriptive for what I've been doing recently online.

 -  SLP to the following:  Marcus D., Joe C., Mike Lianez, Al (FINODI), Shadow, Jessica, Maggie, Joe Dawg Brother, Dani, Chad M., Adrian, Eldina, Pastor Cory, Tatjana, Ryan, Carlos, Jen K., Roger B., Nick, Holly, Karen, my cousin Debbie, George (happy birthday), Michael Tan (happy b-day), Xavier, Cheryl, my cousin Jamie, Dave, Rahn, Andrea, Mindy, Art, Tommy D, and my Aunt Claudia & Uncle James (my prayers are with you both).

That's it for this week and for my blog presence on Myspace.  Again, for those of you that I haven't contacted or talked to yet from Myspace, hit me up on Facebook with a friend request so I can add you there and we can keep in touch.  From now on I'll be on Blogger with my Random Thoughts, so you can find me there too.  Until next time, folks.  Take care and God Bless.