Random Thoughts #42 - the "single" edition

Hello once again. It's Sunday, so that means another set of Random Thoughts from yours truly, so let's get to it. Enjoy.

 -  Before I start, I want to thank everybody who sent a kind word regarding last week's blog. It meant a lot to know that I wasn't the only one who felt that way about what I talked about.

 -  The summer has unofficially began (as of Memorial Day) and we are now getting to the heart of the summer event season within the next few weeks. There will be cookouts, fireworks, festivals...the works. For those of you in Columbus there is something you need to be aware of. Starting tomorrow (6/15/09), Route 315 will start undergoing construction and several entrances and exits will be affected, some even closed outright, for a long term project to replace some bridges or something like that. Be ready to include this potential headache into your travel time if you plan on going to downtown events.

 -  I want to talk about something that isn't easy to discuss, but once again I think it needs to be addressed. As you know, I called this blog entry the "single" edition. It's a reference to the obvious for me: I am single, currently unattached, and have no children. What might not be that obvious is that even though sometimes I wish things were different (and make that known to people on occasion), there are other times where I am grateful for where I am and how things are going. At this moment, this is one of those times. However, it does bring up a potential area of conflict with others around me that they and I have trouble avoiding whether we like it or not. As recently as a few years ago, a lot of my friends and crew were in the same boat as I was: single, unattached, maybe they had children, maybe not. Times are different now, and while my situation has generally been the same, a majority of the people around me got attached to someone, got married, and even started having children, even including them in some of their activities. Lives have changed, but something that doesn't always get realized is that with these changes there is an automatic, unconscious shift in priorities in how events, outings, vacations, and trips are planned with others.

For example, if you have kids and/or a significant other your first thought for something to do might be to go to a park, or maybe even an amusement park. Another example is if it is just you and a significant other in that you might plan on something potentially romantic, like say take a weekend in the mountains or go to Paris or something else along those lines, and maybe plan these types of activities with other couples joining in as well. In both of these scenarios, let's say that singles were invited along on these occasions. More than likely the singles will feel like they were the "third wheel" or that they were there just because they "shouldn't" be left out of things. On the flip side, say for example I want to do something like go to a different dance club with a lot of hot women or go to Las Vegas. Those scenarios are more likely for people who are single and do not have children to consider. In those situations, even though it might not be obvious, the people I might invite who are attached and/or have kids would probably be third wheels themselves in that those scenes are not really for them anymore. As a single person, I can pick up and do things on the fly and at the last minute as opposed to a lot of my friends whose families and significant others come first and need some planning beforehand on things.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that even though there are lots of things to potentially do and be excited about, there are times where depending on individual (or familial) circumstances that some people maybe shouldn't be included in certain activities, events, or trips, even when it seems like they "should" be. Now don't get me wrong, I love being considered for trips and being included in planning, and I know for certain that the people around me like being considered for the great things I plan. However, that consideration for inclusion should not cloud our better judgments. I can't expect to take someone who's attached to go to a nightclub for singles and truly believe they'll have as good a time as me, and on the flip side I shouldn't always be expected to enjoy being someplace that is designed generally for couples or families. There are times where I myself or one of my friends stubbornly insist that we go someplace that really isn't designed for who or what we are at some particular time and assume things will ultimately turn out alright. Sometimes offense is taken when people (or I) don't join in certain things. Ultimately we have to realize that it's not always realistic to include everybody we want to in the things we want to do, whether we like it or not. It may not seem fair, but life rarely is.

 -  Changing the tone from the last blurb, I spent the majority of my weekend nights at Club Polaris, with a couple of short visits to other clubs to see people I knew. I've been to different clubs each of the last three Saturday nights but I have to admit that last night at Club Polaris was the most fun I had out of all three. My apologies to those who were with me those other Saturday nights, but I really did enjoy it last night.

 -  If you're looking for a church to belong to, check out Crossroads World Christian Center at www.crossroadswcc.org.

 -  On one of the message board I frequent, I found a thread on Chuck Norris jokes. For those of you who don't know, there is a recent and potentially ongoing trend of making jokes about how tough and big Chuck Norris is. I don't know if he truly likes the jokes being made at potentially his expense, but I hope he can be a good sport about it because most of the jokes out there are more complimentary than they may initially appear. I've put a few below from that thread for you to enjoy: 
  • There were no WMDs in Iraq...Chuck Norris lives in Kansas
  • Some people club baby seals...Chuck Norris clubs Navy SEALs
  • Some people go hunting...the possibility of failure is implied with the term hunting...Chuck Norris goes killing
  • Chuck Norris doesn't sleep...he waits
  • Superman wears Chuck Norris underoos
  • In fine print on the last page of the Guinness Book of World Records it notes that all world records are held by Chuck Norris, and those listed in the book are simply the closest anyone else has ever gotten
  • Jesus can walk on water, but Chuck Norris can swim on land
  • Chuck Norris' daughter lost her virginity...Chuck Norris got it back
  • Chuck Norris isn't hung like a horse...horses are hung like Chuck Norris
  • Red Bull is Chuck Norris' pee
  • When Chuck Norris does push-ups, he's not pushing the himself up...he's pushing the earth down
  • Jesus and the Devil had a race to the ends of the earth...Chuck Norris won
  • If you can see Chuck Norris, he can see you...if you don't see him, you may be about to die
  • When "Death" goes to bed at night, it checks under his bed for Chuck Norris
  • Chuck Norris' tears can cure cancer...however, he's never cries
  • Chuck Norris has no doors in his house, only walls he walks through
  • Chuck Norris can turn back time by simply staring at a clock and flexing
 -  Song on repeat: "Bring Em Out" by T.I. I like the song but I've been looking for the 'select mix' version of it for some time now. If anybody can get me a copy, I'd really appreciate it because I really like this remix of the song, even more than the original.

 -  SLP for the following: Holly, Heather, Kristin, Griff, Patrick and all those I know from Club Polaris (too many to mention here and forgot some names in the process), Cheryl, Eldina (happy birthday), Kevin, Jay, Stan, Lester, and Pastor Cory

There's are some things I didn't put into this particular blog today, and a lot of it I did for good reason. That stuff (some of it regular) will probably return next week. I'm looking forward to the next few weeks, so hopefully those blogs will be more upbeat...I hope. Until next time, folks. Take care and God Bless.