Random Thoughts #6 - the "windstorm of '08" edition

Greetings and welcome to a very special edition of my random thoughts...the Hurricane Ike edition. Watch as I amaze and freak you out with my dazzling wit and incomparable experiences...or not. Before I go onto the thoughts and experiences about the windstorm, I have a couple of things to get off my chest first.

 -  Some of you have been wondering about my state of mind over the past couple of weeks, especially when I started talking about "hiding". Well, I have been down overall and some things have been really bothering me. I had a very confusing work experience a couple weeks back with an "I said/they said" slant where I was asked not to come back to a particular work site and my work ethic was questioned. I wasn't so upset that things didn't work out...that happens sometimes...but questioning my work ethic? That stung...a lot more than I expected it to. I think with this time of year usually being a low emotional period for me, it hit harder than it probably should have. It wasn't the only thing that's been bugging me. The political stuff I wanted to be involved with? Well, I was gonna dial it back a bit, but I got a couple invites and went to a couple events that really made it seem clear that I had no business being there. As a result, it doesn't look like there's really a place for me in the political world at this time, or at least one where I can bring a valuable contribution and it being worth my time to boot. Disappointing, to say the least. Also, some of my friends seem to have a lot of good going for them, some moving forward and some having just generally good things happening. I am happy for them, but comparatively I felt stuck personally and professionally (still do to some degree). That brought my mood down even more. All this had led me to start taking a hard look at what was going on with me and how things are going, and usually when this happens (it ain't the first time, folks) I isolate myself in order to do so, hence the "hiding" stuff. However, this time around I'm not as reclusive as I was before...I am still going to church and still keeping social with you all here and my friends that aren't on Myspace (everything else is up in the air right now). That definitely means I'm still going to the club to dance, which has been a bright spot for me the past couple weekends. If I became a complete recluse, I'd go about as crazy as I did about ten years ago, and believe me, I don't want to go back to that. I do ask one thing though...for right now let me deal with these things or get over them on my own. If I need help or assistance, I won't hesitate to ask for it. Besides, why bring the drama and drop the mood level when we're out havin' a good time?

 -  My football teams, the Buckeyes and the Browns, aren't looking so good right now. I think it has to do with Todd "I look like crap" Boeckman and Romeo "I'd rather kick field goals than win" Crennel respectively. They both need improvement, but it is early in their respective seasons so it's not hopeless. Am I lucky I didn't engage in the smack talk some of my friends do; otherwise I'd be eating a lot of crow right about now.

 -  And now, onto my many, many thoughts and observations on the windstorm that hit us on Sunday and the aftermath:
  • I was without power for about 48 hours. I've been in the dark the past couple nights and having fun trying to sleep wondering when the power was coming back on.
  • Boy I missed my internet and cable.
  • It didn't actually rain while the wind was blowing and it was actually feeling nice outside as a result.
  • This windstorm was from Hurricane Ike that hit Texas a few days ago. From what I understand, we had sustained wind gusts between 75 to 80 MPH. Correct me if I'm wrong, but since a category 1 hurricane starts at 74 MPH, I believe that means, ofiicially, Ohio actually got hit by a hurricane. Go figure.
  • Driving around during the windstorm itself was interesting, to say the least. A traffic light at the corner of Ponderosa and SR 161 actually came OFF the wire and blew into the street. Crews fixed that later in the evening, but that's how strong the wind was. I went to Easton to try to watch the Pittsburgh/Cleveland game, but power was out there too. I headed to church from there and had to take two detours off Sunbury Road because of either broken wires or trees blocking the road itself. The church didn't have power either, so we had service in the dark.
  • Anything that was refrigerated or frozen had to be thrown out because it spoiled...and I had just got most of it a few days before. I hate when that happens.
  • I was lucky to have running water and even some heat for my showers, though I had to make them short to conserve the heat.
  • I took a walk through my neighborhood last night after it got dark. It was weird seeing most of it in the dark, especially the open-24-hours-a-day Columbus Bowling Palace. It was surreal.
  • I actually charged my phone while eating at Taco Bell last night. The things you have to do to survive in the modern world...
  • Overall, I'm just happy the power is back on here...I hope it doesn't go out again for a long time to come.
There you go, my witty thoughts and amazing experiences over the past few days and weeks. Join me next time when I blog some more, or maybe when I go to church, or even when I go to the club....in other words, that's all for now. Take care and God Bless.