ProgressOhio - The Writer's Guild strike

As you know by now, the Writers Guild has gone on strike. It has already shut down production on several television shows. If it does not stop soon, movies will be affected as well, even Ohio-based productions that may be down the pike. I have heard many wonder why there is a strike in the first place, especially since many shows and movies are profitable. Here is a video that explains what happened regarding the writers, the misconceptions about some of this issue, and how the big media companies messed with these people.

Now, I know supporting the writers here may be a difficult thing to do, especially in regard to many of our favorite shows. Heck, Heroes and Smallville, two of my favorites, will be affected soon enough. However, this is another example of how big business, in this case Big Media, screws those that work for them, namely the writers in this case. The union is trying to help them out the best way possible. Other guilds, unions, and even celebrities are supporting the union or will soon enough. These writers are also working men and women struggling to survive and they deserve our support, even if it means missing some of our favorite programs for a while.  Later and God Bless.