ProgressOhio - Bill O'Reilly: Barking up the wrong tree

I'm pretty sure many of you have heard about the latest controversy concerning Bill O'Reilly...the "black-run restaurant" thing. He lashed out at Media Matters (who reported his latest remarks) by calling them "smear merchants". Despite the fact that he is one himself, I don't think he really knows what this is about. Yes, he offended racial sensitivities...he does that from time to time, so that shouldn't be a surprise. However, it was how he expressed his views that is probably surprising people the most. That he "couldn't get over the fact that there was no difference" between a black-run restaurant and others in NYC showed that he seemed out of touch with everyday life and the real world. The majority of restaurants in the US, regardless of who runs them, rarely face the so-called "craziness" that he talked about. Sure it might happen at some point, but not as frequently as he's inferring. I think what Media Matters was pointing out was that he doesn't seem to get out of his small world that much and it's showing in what he says and does. People are waking up to how far out there Mr. O'Reilly really is. I think it's time for BillO to leave behind that joke he calls a "no-spin zone" and get out more. Maybe he could bring some of those delusional no-conservatives along with him...they'll definitely be in for a culture shock and a reality check. Later and God Bless.