ProgressOhio - Hypocrisy and sex

Interesting title, eh? Well, that seems to be what Republicans are dealing with right now. Dan Abrams on MSNBC approached the subject Wednesday evening concerning congressmen Larry Craig (R-ID) and David Vitter (R-LA). The discussion on the show concerned whether the national GOP is using a double standard in judging both Craig and Vitter in their respective circumstances. From my point of view, it seems like they (the GOP) are treating Craig harsher than Vitter.

Morally speaking, I can see why the GOP is chastising Craig so much. He either did the deed in that Minnesota bathroom he was convicted for (yes, there was a conviction here, folks) or he didn't respect the Minnesota judicial system enough to tell them his version of events the first time in court, which could be considered perjury in Craig was actually right about his encounter. The implication of being a homosexual also seems to violate the "ideally mythical" national GOP moral code which attempts to marginalize the GLBT community, Log Cabin Republicans probably included.

However, they seem to be treating Vitter with kid gloves, morally speaking. No, he has not been convicted of a crime...yet. He admitted contact with a prostitute...excuse me, "escort service"...which, if one "escort's" story turns out to be true, could constitute criminal and thus prosecutable behavior. Legal stuff aside, the national Republican party has historically exploited any instance of similar behavior from within the Democratic party (Gary Hart and especially Bill Clinton come to mind). Yet when one of their own does it, it's okay??? The message they are sending right now is that it's alright to cheat on your loved ones as long as you're not gay or a Democrat...otherwise you will be ridiculed or ostracized. Great mixed moral message the GOP is sending, isn't it? I really hope they come to their senses on this and change their doctrine or else they will be marginalized by the very people they purport to represent. Later and God Bless.