Random Thoughts #126 - the "falling apart" edition

Welcome to the latest edition of DJ's Random Thoughts.  I have a couple of things I need to note before I get going today.  First, the subtitle "falling apart" is more of a running theme behind some of the blurbs today than actually describing any specific event.  Second, some of the blurbs today are coming off the top of my head so there might be some more randomness than usual.  With that in mind, let's get to it.  Enjoy.

 -  I know I've been talking a lot over the past couple years or so about things falling apart for me in different areas of my life.  I know that has to be getting to some of you reading all that stuff but it gets to me even more having to go through it.  Now it seems to be happening with some of the things I've been recently getting into.  The effort to bring back the USFL hit a major bump that could derail the whole thing...that bump being former CEO Jaime Cuadra embezzled some money out of two companies in order to help fund the league.  He hasn't been in the picture since his resignation in February from the effort but just the fact that he used embezzled money in trying to help fund this effort to bring back spring football brings a lot of suspicion about whether it's going to happen now.  There is a different management at the top now and some of the companies whose services were paid for with that embezzled money have been replaced with new ones, but it has taken some steps backwards and is now probably at the exact same point it was at last year.  I am hoping for a positive outcome and have a better idea whether it will be up and running for 2014 by the end of September or beginning of October, but this definitely put a monkeywrench into the works.  Another thing I've been concerned about is MCW.  I just got into it last year and I've been to several awesome shows they've put on but they haven't had a show since last November.  There was a message recently from them that stated that they weren't sure when the next show was going to be.  Now, for me it's not all about MCW having new shows and having them to go to.  I think about the workers and staff from not just northeast Ohio but from Michigan or wherever else they drive in from who want to work on and improve their craft and, of course, make a few bucks along the way.  I think about my fellow fans including the Riot Zone who have gotten such enjoyment from the shows and put in time and effort to promote and bring people in.  I think about the owner and just hope he's doing alright...not specifically for MCW's sake but just in general.  I can see how difficult it can be to put on a wrestling show in this economy but it has served as a touchstone here in NE Ohio for fans and workers alike.  Regarding both, I'm not stating that both of these entities are going to outright fall apart but I'm seeing things that have me pretty concerned.  I've made so many friends and connections through them that I'd really feel for them if that happened in either case.  Regarding all the falling apart, the worst part about this for me is that when I've thought about or tried to do something about it, either it backfires on me or it gets in the way of another thing or something else pops up that has to be dealt with...that frustrates the hell out of me.  I only have the good Lord and my friends and family to rely on to help me get me through some of this but I've been long past sick and tired of having to deal with that stuff.

 -  Speaking of touchstones, I want to talk about something I never thought would actually happen.  The club I went to for so many years, Screamin' Willies (aka The Big Easy...aka Club Dance...aka Bourbon Street), closed down over the 4th of July weekend as the owners have sold the place.  I'm still in shock over the closing because of all it's meant to me over the years as I've been in and out of there as a hangout.  While I lived in Columbus (and when I didn't) Ohio State didn't serve as much as a touchstone for me as Club Dance did.  Whenever the club had its lows, it still served as a gateway to other clubs in central Ohio as friends moved on to them.  Speaking of friends, I've met so many really good ones there that I've lost count.  Like me, many of them have had seriously life-changing events occur thanks to that place.  I've mentioned this several times before but it was the place I would use to initially introduce some of my NE Ohio friends to Columbus and let it serve as a gateway for them to have nightlifes or lives beyond what they had here.  It was definitely a game-changer.  I've never told anybody this but before I started going there, I would hear stories from friends like Roger (rest in peace), Marcus, and Rahn about Bourbon Street while out at OSU campus bars and I was feeling left out.  I pretty much badgered Roger to accompany him to the club one night and the rest became history for me.  The one thing I regretted and missed the most when I left Columbus after my first go-round there was that I had to leave behind Bourbon Street and the friends I had there...and you all know how much I hate leaving people behind.  While I lived in Akron those next few years it gnawed at me that Club Dance was not a regular part of my life.  Sure I got to visit but until those trips from Akron before my second go-round at OSU and Columbus in general those visits were sporadic.  Because it meant so much to me at that point in my life, it drove me crazy...and some people who were around there in 2000 saw how crazy it drove me (I still get some of them looking over their shoulders at me from that...it's nuts, I tell you...nuts!).  Even now I remember a lot of events from that place.  I remember making out with two girls (not at the same time, mind you, but that I wouldn't have minded) while sitting in the car-driving arcade game...actually, make that three.  I remember meeting NBC soap stars for some promotion they were doing there including Jensen Ackles who's now starring on "Supernatural" and Brook Kerr who was eyeing my friend Marcus.  I also remember meeting some WCW wrestlers including Marcus Bagwell who hit on my friend Cheryl...that was interesting.  I finally got a Club Dance VIP pass for my birthday a few years back after waiting so long to get one (unfortunately not during my first Columbus go-round...that would definitely have saved me a few bucks then, but oh well).  That place was the first to show me that there was life beyond Ohio State where I had really ingrained myself before then.  I will note that as my time in Columbus was winding down the last time I stepped into a club was at Screamin' Willies.  Sure, it wasn't the greatest time as I seriously twisted my ankle and couldn't walk right for months after, but it was worth it just to see some of my friends there again.  Even in the last few years where it wasn't the regular hangout for me, at least I knew it would be there to meet my friends at simply because they knew where it was.  That is apparently gone now.  We now only have its legacy and the memories we've made there.  I can safely say that if it weren't for Club Dance I probably wouldn't have had much of a life in Columbus beyond Ohio State and I wouldn't have those great memories from that place.  Goodbye, Bourbon Street.

 -  As a result of Screamin' Willies closing, there is apparently a new place for the 18+ set to go.  The place is called Cadillac Boo's and it is near the Ohio State campus on Olentangy River Road at the University City Plaza near where I used to live in 1997-98.  Some of the deejay's from SW are working there now.  I know it's not what SW used to be, but at least it's a place to go in Columbus for those that went to SW.  They have a Facebook page set up where you can find out more here:  Cadillac Boo's Facebook page.

 -  As most of you know, I've been trying to hit up some more festivals and fairs here in NE Ohio this year than I have in the past.  Though I've hit them up mostly by myself, I do welcome company if people are interested.  There's a bunch of events coming up that I'm just going to put them in list form.  I'm not sure I'm going to any or all of them, but I wanted to put the list up in case some of you wanted to hit them up.  Here's the list of upcoming events of note with some relevant links (at least to me):
 -  Query:  For those of you who regularly or irregularly went to Club Dance/Bourbon Street/The Big Easy/Screamin' Willies over the years, what are some of your most interesting memories and events from there?  I'm curious.

 -  Freebie Alert:  I know some of you love root beer floats.  I do too.  Apparently, according to A&W August 6th is National Root Beer Float Day.  On that day from 2 PM to closing, you can get a free small root beer float at any A&W Restaurant.  Those restaurants will also be collecting donations for the Wounded Warrior Project.  If you want more info on that, you can check out the A&W National Root Beer Float Day website.

 -  Y'know, maybe I should have named this edition the "linky" edition....nah!!!

 -  Over the Independence Day holiday this year, I went to a couple of fireworks displays.  The first one I went to was Akron's 4th of July fireworks...what there was of them.  As I've said elsewhere, if someone went to the bathroom, they would have missed them as they only went 9 minutes total.  Seriously...9 minutes?  That's it?  I've seen sparklers last longer than that fireworks show.  It's disappointing to say the least.  As a city struggling to bring people to downtown businesses regularly, you would think they would have put on a better effort especially for this.  I know the city felt it needed to cut back money for the fireworks, but they cut it back so much the show just sucked.  I saw a lot of people coming off really angry as I drove by afterward...it was that bad.  Unless the city does more starting next year, I might have to reconsider hitting up Akron for the 4th of July.  Talk about a waste of time.  However, the Rock the Docks fireworks show over Springfield Lake was much better.  I went with Bob & his family over to the south side of the lake to watch the show.  It was a pretty good one that took place between a couple lines of thunderstorms.  Next year we might have to hit that side of the lake a little earlier as the crowd was pretty swelled by the time we got there...maybe even take a tent, I don't know.  I just know that this definitely made up for that pathetic excuse of an Akron showing.

 -  It's hard to believe that the TV mini-series "V" aired 30 years ago.  My, how time flies...

 -  The improvisation show "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" has finally returned to the airwaves as it aired its first episodes this past Tuesday night.  It was as awesome as ever.  I haven't laughed that much in years.  It is being aired on Tuesday nights at 8 PM on the CW over the rest of the summer, so check that out when you get the chance.

 -  Yes, that is current U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown in this edition's photo at the top posing with me for the pic.  I took that at an event I was at that took place before the last edition but I wanted to wait until now to post it because I had plenty of pics for that edition.

 -  Song on Repeat:  "Must Be Nice" by Lyfe Jennings.  As far as the song title goes, I find myself wanting to say that to a lot of people I've known in my life, especially those who brag about their lives without considering the people they're talking to or about and especially those who take what they have for granted.  Even though this song isn't really interpreted in that particular way, whenever I hear it that's what comes to mind.  It's still a beautiful ballad nonetheless.

 -  Shoutouts:  Holly, Griff, Kristin, Debbie, Tony, Ron, Scotty, Bob, Stacey, Aunt Sue, Paul W., Tom R., Lynn, Ernest, Todd, Cheryl, Carl, Heather D., Cory, Maggie, Stan, Art (happy belated b-day), Terry B., and Jenny K.

That's it for this edition and, boy, did I get out a lot.  Anyway, I hope to see you at some of these places I plan to hit up and hope for the best for the things I talked about earlier.  Some of you have recently asked when I'm heading down to Columbus for a visit.  I don't have any idea at this point but when I do I'll let you know.  Until next time, folks.  Take care and God Bless.