DJ's Myspace blog entry - One year ago today

One year ago, due to a situation I was dealing with, I went and sought some advice for it from the Vineyard, a church near where I live. By the time I left, I ended up opening my heart to Jesus Christ and things changed for me. I have historically had trouble letting other people in to my life, but one I let Jesus in I was able to let others in. My circumstances and my overall outlook are drastically different from where they were one year ago. Tonight I am celebrating my life change by going out with my crew and we're gonna dance the night away.

I'm gonna get on my religious high horse for a bit here. If anybody remembers the movie "Footloose", there is a crucial part of the movie where Kevin Bacon's character reads a passage of the Bible to the town council about dancing for the Lord. Dancing is something people can do to celebrate the Lord and Jesus. It's what I'm going to continue doing, tonight and for the rest of my life.

....Okay, I'll humble myself now and get off the high horse. I do want to thank everybody who has supported me over the past year and before, even when I got crazy. Take care, later and definitely God Bless.