Random Thoughts #1 - the "very first" edition

Here I am late at night having trouble getting sleep, so I decided to put up an entry here. I've decided to bring back for today an old tradition from the old DJ Online journal/blog: Random Thoughts. Here we go:

 -  Ohio State shot themselves in the foot earlier in the NC game. FIVE unsportsmanlike penalties???? For gosh sakes, get some discipline. And will someone tell Boeckman to stop staring down his damn receivers? Geez, I thought I was watching a Tim Couch redux.

 -  Even though the Browns didn't make the playoffs, at least they had a good season for the first time since the team's return to existence. Also, we didn't have to screw up in the playoffs like Pittsburgh did. Heh heh heh.

 -  I'm waiting for my next job assignment. My last one went extremely well and I hope the next one is just as good. I can hope, can't I?

 -  People, beware of winter blues. I see a couple of my friends looking like they are dealing with it themselves, so if you are dealing, I'm here for ya. And anybody else on your friends lists...if they have it, help them out or through it. Just remember, spring is here in a little over a couple of months.

 -  Me and my crew (Griff and Kev) are working on new dance stuff as well as the unofficial Outside Corner group site. It is going to be exciting. We're also looking forward to a new "official" OC profile with someone associated with the company going to run it. We hope to help out with that when that starts up as well. It should be better than the other one already in existence which rarely if ever gets updated.

 -  Follow along with Mims now...Like this...like this....like this....like this....

 -  Now that football season is over (for me, at least), I get some more free time to do stuff I've been waiting to do for a while, which in actuality started last weekend. Yay!

 -  I might be ready to start dating again. My last relationship....well, let's just say it didn't work out (six months down the drain). Hopefully the new year doesn't disappoint.

 -  My limited political involvement at this time consists of the following statement: Go Obama!

 -  Can you believe that it's gonna hit close to 70 later on? In early January? Too bad it ain't gonna last, but it is nice not to wear a jacket for a day or so.

 -  Congrats to Syco Bill on his engagement. He's got a good one, folks.

Before I go, don't forget to check out the new OC on Rt. 256 in Reynoldsburg. Classy joint and the place I've been hanging out on Saturdays. It just opened less than a couple months ago, so the newness is still there. Enjoy life until the next time I blog and remember to kick haters to the curb. Later and God Bless.